Monday, October 17, 2011


Today I woke up and found out I just got sick. Didn't really want to go to school to do a hospitality course but since I paid for it I wouldn't want to waste the money. Woke my bro up and he was kinda raging at me for waking him up so early. I had to wake him up for a lift. Got to Kiet house and waited for Alex Boss Dang to come.

Got to school at 8ish and everyone around the school was eyeing us since we were in our Uniform. People was saying to us that "You guys do know that today is a pupil free day" We were like sigh, and answered back with we came to school to do this hospitality course. Got to the Sport center and saw Lil-Yen and Nataliee.

 Learned to carry plates, pour wine in a unique way, carry drinks, open a wine bottle and also make cofffeeeee ! Yum ! Alex and I was feeling like shit most of the time since we had only like 3 hours sleep. Got kiet to drive us to inala after we finish the course. Everyone started to eye at me again. Sigh. Went into my uncle shop and got changed. Bum around at Inala for a while.

Gotta do English tonight so I can memorize the scprit tomorrow. I don't wanna stay up anymore since I have been staying up alot. Gonna try to finish this by 11:11 pm.

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