Friday, October 14, 2011

Birthday Boy

Went to Forest Lake maccas with Nam, Anthony, Tanya, Vi and Vivian. I shouted everyone .... I'm so broke now. Anyways we bought stuff to make a sparkler bomb. Walked to Vivian house to make it. While making it her mum called and said she is coming home now, so we quickly packed everything up before she got home. We talked and introduce ourself to her parents. Got them to go inside, so we quickly finish making the bomb. Went inside to grab the cooking fire starter but her mum was using it so we were screwed. 
Plan B was to go to Vi's place and do it, so we got Vivian dad to drive the girls to Vi's house while us boys ran there. We beat the girls YAYERS. Blew up the sparkler bomb. It was pretty awesome. Played with leftover sparklers. Nam threw one so we can see a shooting star and make a wish but it got stuck on a tree so Anthony jumped up and shoock the tree so it would fall down. Watta HERO !
  Played around for abit and home I went. When I got home I saw so many cars parked outside my house. I was like omg, please don't be another party but it was just my bro friends and some of our youth group teachers. Phew, no party today :)

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