Saturday, October 22, 2011

Love is move

Went to Paintball Skirmish today. Met up with the group at 7: 30am sharp then drove down to Top gun at Keppa. Played like 10 rounds. It hurts like shit when you get shot. 280km/h, that was how fast a bullet was flying at you. Got shot on the head twice. Head was bleeding but its okay now. The last round was the epic-est round ever. Most of the people sat out of it because it was the free-for-all round. The instructor told us to get to gather closer to him and then he gave us the rules of the round. The rules was
 1. No teaming up
2. The only way to get out is to surrender and raise your hands up
3. You can shoot as much as you want.

He then said okay, you have 5 seconds to hid, 5,4,3,2,1 then BAM ! I got shotted like from all sides. Hurt like shit since my ass got shot heaps. hahaha. We were all stinky, sticky and exhausted but it was super fun as. Got bruises all over my body now.

Nam and Td came over at night. We walked to KFC then went to Loan's to eat and watch a movie. Chilled there also.

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