Friday, September 19, 2014

Better Not Said

Don't cry because it's over, Smile cause it happened. 
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Had a really tiring day at Uni today since I spent my whole day there finishing all an assignment and handing it in. later on at night, I need a Lua Thieng (Fire group) meeting at my place for the upcoming Thieu Nhi camp. The meeting was actually quite fun since we talked about what happened in the past :L

Afterward, I had a short skype meeting with TD to plan our lesson that we will be teaching the kids at camp. I then headed over to Mande's place to have Games night with the group. We haven't had one in so long. This time, we tried out a new game. Cards Vs Humanity. There were some funny shit there but sometimes, it was kinda boring. But I only reckon you guys playing this if you're 18+ :L 

We then had a round of Werewolves before I left and went home. 

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