Tuesday, November 17, 2015


You're alive but are you really living?
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I re-watched a few of the old TVB series :) It's still goood no mater how many times I have seen it. I realised, I left my gym bag in my car and I lent Hoa my car :( So I had to travel over there to get my bag since my boots were in there and we had touch game tonight. Afteward, I went and pick Anna up and we were pretty early so we chilled in the car for awhile until it was time to get out and warm up for the game. We won :) Yaaay !  

Monday, November 16, 2015


I write because you exist
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Sunday - 15/11/2015 

Last night, I stayed up to like 3ish with Paul playing LoL :( We started at like 12ish and we were like, we will not sleep until we win a game then nek minnut, we lose five games in a row T_T We managed to win our 6th game :L Yaay sleeep time ! 

There was barely any HT at Thieu Nhi today :( My whole Au Nhi crew didn't come so I had to take care of them by myself. They had confession and it was pretty boring since all I did was kept the class in order got the kids to keep quiet. I was also asked to read the English readings for Confession.

Then I had to do the Vietnamese readings for mass too :( I managed to pull through but I think I said a few mistakes :(  

After Thieu Nhi, I went out to do some grocery shopping and I bumped into Thu and said wanted to have lunch with me on her break so I waited for 10 minutes until she got her break. We decided to eat that Thai Blue and we bumped into Johhnie there who was also eating there :L The food was okay and it wasn't enough to fill me up :( It wasn't worth the price I must say. 

Monday - 16/11/2015 

After dropping my sister off at work, I picked Hoa up and lent him my car since his car broke down :( Poor fella ! I watched the two latest episodes of Running Man today and it was pretty good :) 100 vs 100 Tag elimination :) So many idols !

I also went for a haircut today :) Feels so good to have short hair in this heat :) I've been feeling so tired lately, I need to catch up on my sleep but I can't for some reason T_T My Aunty took my brother, sister and myself out for dinner at Norman Hotel :) Thanks Aunty and Huy !!

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Happy 21st Birthdaaay Teresa ! 
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I started writing up my Au Nhi exam today but I didn't get to finish it since my cousins; Anthony, Nam and Jason came over to chill for awhile. We just talk pretty much which was pretty nice since I haven't done that for awhile :)

Afterward, I head over to Paul's to discuss with him some of our Thieu Nhi stuff which was nice :) he also helped me practice with my Bai Doc for tomorrow. Thank you Paaaaul ! I left him to go pick up my sister up from work then headed home to get ready for Teresa's 21st at Sway Cocktail Bar & Lounge. 

Ronnie picked Randy, Mande, Tony and myself up and we headed to the Valley. The place was pretty nice :) There wasn't much Corinda people though but we managed to chill with a couple of us :) Vokda Sunrise is soo good to me for some reason :) I love it ! 

Afterward, we were kinda hungry so we headed to Hungry Jack's in Richlands. Bumped into Huy there and saw Hoa drive past the drive thur :L It's funny cause we were all in like in suits and we waved at him hahaha. 

Friday, November 13, 2015


There is only a limit to luckiness

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I started to watch a new anime and it wasn't the best but I binged watch it anyways since I had nothing else to watch. It was Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon. It's pretty different to normal anime.

After church tonight, I went out to the city with Khang and Johnnie since my Siblings invited their friends over to chill and I didn't want to stay home with them. 

We checked out the Recycle Festival in King George Square and they had like all these stalls that sells recycle-able/hand-made items which seems like I was in Vietnam again :L There was also food vans there which was nice :) 

After checking that out, we walked over to South Bank to check out the Croquet Festival and this one was much bigger than the Recycle Festival. There was plenty of food stalls and bar stalls too :) The music was better and there was 3 Croquet fields that you can play on :) The atmosphere was nice to chill and have a few drinks :)  

We ended up having dinner at Grilled then pretty much walked back to the city and headed home. On the way home, Khang saw this Holden car and he was like, Oi, I think that's a undercover cops car but Johhnie didn't listen and he sped up and overtook this other car. He was going like 109 on an 80 wow. and I was like wow, Khang even said he thinks that was an undercover cop car. Nek minnut, He got pulled over.... zzzz. But while the officer was getting Johnnie's information, a job for him popped up so he had to leg it so Johnnie was soooo frikken lucky maaan ! That guy aye, so lucky ! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Koko Black

Show me what I'm looking for

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I got woken up in the morning so I could take my sister to work in Forest Lake. When I came home, I had breakfast and tried to head back to sleep but I couldn't :( So I just cleaned my room abit then watched a few movies. 

Later on during the day, I did some grocery shopping since I needed to restock on fruits and bread. Life without parents at home :L I then went over to Randy's to chill before we head to Indropilly with Linh. It was pretty fun :) We didn't buy any clothings but we bought food LOL. I managed to get Teresa's gift at Koko Black which is expensive chocolate. 

We visted Vivian then had Breadtop for Entree, Yum Cha for mains and I also had Hanaichi afterward for my second main :L Dessert was some chocolate I bought from Koko Black :) We bumped into Thang and Tam while at the food court so we chilled until Vivian finish work so I could take her home.

The parking system at Indro stuffed up and people went to different machines trying to check out but it didn't work. So everyone just went to their car and drove out and holycrap, the traffic jam in the carpark :( Indooroopilly, get your shit together again pleaseee. Oh we also bumped into Steven & Natailee and also David. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Have a safe and wonderful trip Mum and Daaaad ! 

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Woke up pretty early to take my parents to the International Airport. When we got there, I helped them check in and waited for them to enter the gates of Departures :) I hope they arrive safely and full of energy in San Francisco. I should pray for them to have a fun journey in America and hope they have a fabulous night with my cousin on her wedding.

Afterward, I did a quick drop by DFO and wow, they are changing it up abit, most of the stores have moved into bigger stores :L I didn't get much cause I kept telling myself not to spend. I was tempted so many times though.

After some Window Shopping, I was feeling abit hungry cause I hasn't eaten anything all day so I dropped by Chi Lua's Takeaway since I was close by. Tham was working so I chilled there for awhile before heading home to do chores.

I went for a jog around Forest Lake with Teresa in the arvo and wow, we died by doing Intense sprinting so we slowed it down with a jog on the second lap. It felt good afterward :) We need to make this a habit again

Later on during the night, I played 13 with my brother and sister to determine who does the chores at home while parents are gone LOL. I loss :( FML My hand was so crappy most of the time -Criess-

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Battlefield

Follow your dreams, Transform your life

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I had work today and it was pretty tiring since I was there alone and I was tired from the lack of sleep :( During work, I managed to plan for the Nang Hong Skit :) I gotta edit it abit more then start showing the plans to the higher ups.

Tonight, I had a touch game with TN Titians and we won :) I didn't do well though :( I gotta up my gameee. I really need to catch up on my sleep again... Gotta be Fit and healthy again during these holidays.


Hm ... lemme see
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I took Nhi to work today and while I was at Inala, I did some grocery shopping and started my Meal prep :) It has been a while since I meal prep for myself. The food won't taste too nice though since I got some greens but I gotta eat it for the gains braaah.

Afterward, I took mummy to Indooroopilly and got her some new conformable shoes so she can wear them in America. I hope her feet doesn't hurt from all that walking over there.

I watched "Safe" on Netflix and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it :) Tonight, I spent my time finding a good three bed room apartment for Melbourne and omg, the struggles maaan. We ended up finding three pretty good places :) 

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Congratulations to all the new DT's of Xu Doan Savio Brisbane !!

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It was Sunday today so I had the usual Thieu Nhi. Omg, during second period, I had all of the Au Nhi with me today since there wasn't anyone to teach the Them Suc class :/ I knew it was hard but I handled them by myself since I got Hoa and Tam to teach the other group Muoi Dieu Luat while I took the naughty Them Suc class Nghiem Tap (How to line up)

They were pretty naughty but better than I expected :) And omg, One of the kid grab another kid's neck and squeezed it really hard that the little poor girl cried :`( I had to go get help T_T Thank god, Chi Quynh was there. 

Today, during Mass, we had a new set of NS being promoted to DT's. Yaaaaay ! Congratulations to theeeem ! After mass, Ella and Ellexis stole my bag and ran away :( I had to chase them down :(

We had a meeting about Nang Hong afterward then Paul, Thien-Thai and myself went to Sunnybank for lunch since we needed to go there to drop Thien off. We tried the chicken buffet at Seoul's Bistro and it was alright. 

Came home and I was so tired but I must stay awakee ! Must not fall asleep during the day. So I played LoL with Paul and Leon and omg, I'm soo bad now :( I haven't played a normal game in like months maan ! I must redeem myself ! 

During the game, Dad came to me and was like, "Go take your brother and sister out for dinner tonight, there's nothing to eat at home". So I invited Paul to come with us and we ended up at Madtongsan and it was pretty chill :) 


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Get Lit

You shall not pass ! 

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I stayed up all night studying for this bullshit exam I had today T_T I legit died omfg. All the stuff I studied on wasn't even on the exam FML. I left just abit after the half way mark cause I didn't know what else to write :L Failwhale lam :( Never again am I last minuting studying. 

After the exam, I quicky drove home so I could get my breakfast in and a quick power nap but nooo, Dad just had to make me help him carry chairs. Screw breakfast so I ended up going to Sunnybank for lunch and omg, the parking there was insane on a Saturday. This idiot took my spot even though I indicated and waited for ages. 

I met up with Jacquelynn and we had David Sizzling Steak at Little Taipei :) Finally got my steak craving but it wasn't the best steak but it's still better than no steak at all :) The heat was pretty intense today, I'm turning more black :( 

Came home and I finally got into holidays modee :) I haven't had an holiday since my Birthday in January due to work, uni and Thieu Nhi :( Clean my room and prepared a few schedule for the new holiday mode Lammie :) 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Okay, I really do suck :( I can't get back into the habbit of blogging every single day :( I'm a loser~
I'm a failure as a blogger T_T

I'll just write down about a few events I had throughout that gap I didn't blog for :(

Thieu Nhi Pho Fundrasing

Multicurtual Mass

Tham's, Thien's and Ai-Van's Joint Birthday

Diana's 22nd
Thang's 22nd

Cong Dong Fundrasing with Thieu Nhi waitering