Monday, November 16, 2015


I write because you exist
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Sunday - 15/11/2015 

Last night, I stayed up to like 3ish with Paul playing LoL :( We started at like 12ish and we were like, we will not sleep until we win a game then nek minnut, we lose five games in a row T_T We managed to win our 6th game :L Yaay sleeep time ! 

There was barely any HT at Thieu Nhi today :( My whole Au Nhi crew didn't come so I had to take care of them by myself. They had confession and it was pretty boring since all I did was kept the class in order got the kids to keep quiet. I was also asked to read the English readings for Confession.

Then I had to do the Vietnamese readings for mass too :( I managed to pull through but I think I said a few mistakes :(  

After Thieu Nhi, I went out to do some grocery shopping and I bumped into Thu and said wanted to have lunch with me on her break so I waited for 10 minutes until she got her break. We decided to eat that Thai Blue and we bumped into Johhnie there who was also eating there :L The food was okay and it wasn't enough to fill me up :( It wasn't worth the price I must say. 

Monday - 16/11/2015 

After dropping my sister off at work, I picked Hoa up and lent him my car since his car broke down :( Poor fella ! I watched the two latest episodes of Running Man today and it was pretty good :) 100 vs 100 Tag elimination :) So many idols !

I also went for a haircut today :) Feels so good to have short hair in this heat :) I've been feeling so tired lately, I need to catch up on my sleep but I can't for some reason T_T My Aunty took my brother, sister and myself out for dinner at Norman Hotel :) Thanks Aunty and Huy !!

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