Saturday, November 7, 2015

Get Lit

You shall not pass ! 

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I stayed up all night studying for this bullshit exam I had today T_T I legit died omfg. All the stuff I studied on wasn't even on the exam FML. I left just abit after the half way mark cause I didn't know what else to write :L Failwhale lam :( Never again am I last minuting studying. 

After the exam, I quicky drove home so I could get my breakfast in and a quick power nap but nooo, Dad just had to make me help him carry chairs. Screw breakfast so I ended up going to Sunnybank for lunch and omg, the parking there was insane on a Saturday. This idiot took my spot even though I indicated and waited for ages. 

I met up with Jacquelynn and we had David Sizzling Steak at Little Taipei :) Finally got my steak craving but it wasn't the best steak but it's still better than no steak at all :) The heat was pretty intense today, I'm turning more black :( 

Came home and I finally got into holidays modee :) I haven't had an holiday since my Birthday in January due to work, uni and Thieu Nhi :( Clean my room and prepared a few schedule for the new holiday mode Lammie :) 

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