Friday, November 13, 2015


There is only a limit to luckiness

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I started to watch a new anime and it wasn't the best but I binged watch it anyways since I had nothing else to watch. It was Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon. It's pretty different to normal anime.

After church tonight, I went out to the city with Khang and Johnnie since my Siblings invited their friends over to chill and I didn't want to stay home with them. 

We checked out the Recycle Festival in King George Square and they had like all these stalls that sells recycle-able/hand-made items which seems like I was in Vietnam again :L There was also food vans there which was nice :) 

After checking that out, we walked over to South Bank to check out the Croquet Festival and this one was much bigger than the Recycle Festival. There was plenty of food stalls and bar stalls too :) The music was better and there was 3 Croquet fields that you can play on :) The atmosphere was nice to chill and have a few drinks :)  

We ended up having dinner at Grilled then pretty much walked back to the city and headed home. On the way home, Khang saw this Holden car and he was like, Oi, I think that's a undercover cops car but Johhnie didn't listen and he sped up and overtook this other car. He was going like 109 on an 80 wow. and I was like wow, Khang even said he thinks that was an undercover cop car. Nek minnut, He got pulled over.... zzzz. But while the officer was getting Johnnie's information, a job for him popped up so he had to leg it so Johnnie was soooo frikken lucky maaan ! That guy aye, so lucky ! 

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