Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Have a safe and wonderful trip Mum and Daaaad ! 

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Woke up pretty early to take my parents to the International Airport. When we got there, I helped them check in and waited for them to enter the gates of Departures :) I hope they arrive safely and full of energy in San Francisco. I should pray for them to have a fun journey in America and hope they have a fabulous night with my cousin on her wedding.

Afterward, I did a quick drop by DFO and wow, they are changing it up abit, most of the stores have moved into bigger stores :L I didn't get much cause I kept telling myself not to spend. I was tempted so many times though.

After some Window Shopping, I was feeling abit hungry cause I hasn't eaten anything all day so I dropped by Chi Lua's Takeaway since I was close by. Tham was working so I chilled there for awhile before heading home to do chores.

I went for a jog around Forest Lake with Teresa in the arvo and wow, we died by doing Intense sprinting so we slowed it down with a jog on the second lap. It felt good afterward :) We need to make this a habit again

Later on during the night, I played 13 with my brother and sister to determine who does the chores at home while parents are gone LOL. I loss :( FML My hand was so crappy most of the time -Criess-

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