Sunday, November 8, 2015


Congratulations to all the new DT's of Xu Doan Savio Brisbane !!

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It was Sunday today so I had the usual Thieu Nhi. Omg, during second period, I had all of the Au Nhi with me today since there wasn't anyone to teach the Them Suc class :/ I knew it was hard but I handled them by myself since I got Hoa and Tam to teach the other group Muoi Dieu Luat while I took the naughty Them Suc class Nghiem Tap (How to line up)

They were pretty naughty but better than I expected :) And omg, One of the kid grab another kid's neck and squeezed it really hard that the little poor girl cried :`( I had to go get help T_T Thank god, Chi Quynh was there. 

Today, during Mass, we had a new set of NS being promoted to DT's. Yaaaaay ! Congratulations to theeeem ! After mass, Ella and Ellexis stole my bag and ran away :( I had to chase them down :(

We had a meeting about Nang Hong afterward then Paul, Thien-Thai and myself went to Sunnybank for lunch since we needed to go there to drop Thien off. We tried the chicken buffet at Seoul's Bistro and it was alright. 

Came home and I was so tired but I must stay awakee ! Must not fall asleep during the day. So I played LoL with Paul and Leon and omg, I'm soo bad now :( I haven't played a normal game in like months maan ! I must redeem myself ! 

During the game, Dad came to me and was like, "Go take your brother and sister out for dinner tonight, there's nothing to eat at home". So I invited Paul to come with us and we ended up at Madtongsan and it was pretty chill :) 


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