Monday, April 30, 2012


Went to tafe today and found out that we are moving to Eagle Farm next term :/. Don't know if I should drop out or continue going though. I will just deal with it when the time come.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Didn't Mean

Made pho for all the kids at youth today. They loved it. Feed like 80 kids :L Went to family friend party today and my brother and I took care of the birthday boy. He was only two. Watched the little kids play on the jumping castle and other places and it made me remember the past when I was a kid. It makes me happy just seeing them playing. With those happy faces they were making :)

Went to church and ate pho. Chilled there with Mymy, Thang and so on. Got raped by the little kids.


It's raining, it's pouring, Inala is so boring !
Work today was extremely boring since there was barely any customer cause of the rain. I wanted to sleep in under my blanket while hearing the sound of the rain but nooooo. I had to go to work. 

Went to Sunnybank to eat with Mymy and Pumba. Tried this Japanese place and it was quite good. I love the japanese atmosphere there. Met a couple of people at Sunny Bank that I knew and had a small talk to them. Chilled in funhouse for a bit but we were just looking at people playing :L No money spent :D Met up with my brother and we watched Avengers. It was quite good. Good action film.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Take care

Work today was really boring but at least I got a few visitors. Didn't really do much tonight. Just sitting here, watching anime like usual.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

More than friends

Work today was boring since there was like barely anyone to serve. Other than that alot of people came out and like around the same timeish. Chilled with Kevin Le, David, Sang and her sister for quite some time. 

Went over to KLe's and watched some nasty shit. Went to Woolies with Dante and Kevin to grab some food. We just talked and think about stuff.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Went over to Kiet's for a BBQ. Ate and chilled. It was just a chilled day. Watched the boys play poker and ate and more chilling. Hoa drove Tai, Denne, Vinh and I to Hungry Jack afterward for Dinner.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nu Hero

Left Tafe early today since Hoa was gonna pick Leon and I up. Can't believed I wagged another lesson but it's all good. I don't really need that lesson anyways. Went over to cousins tonight to fix his hard drive and stuff. Just chilled there and watch them play LoL.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Give your heart a break

 Echizen <3
Head out to Inala with Leon after Tafe. Met Alex, Hannah, Hieu, David and Hoc. Hannah went home and David went back to his store. Then the four of us went to get food and stuff for the BBQ that is apparently happening at Kiet's :L 

Went for a driving lesson with my dad. It was alright. Dropped by Hannha's to give her cd's. Drove to Darra and around Inala.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Someone Else

The last couple of days, I was unable to blog so here goes. Warning - It's gonna be quite long.
P.S. Photos of the four cosplayers at the bottom of this post

20/04/2012 Friday
Woke up early and packed since there was a blackout on thursday night. Met up with everyone heading to the coast at Randy's. The people who went with us was Tony, Ronnie, Mande, David, Randy, Hannah, Vinh, Denis, Hieu and meeeeeee. Had a small argument and problems while packing stuff in the cars. Solved the problem by leaving quite a few stuff back at Randy's. Drove abit and met at Shell petrol station and we had another problem. Leon's interger coudn't handle the weight in that car. Solved that problem by dropping off like 3/4 of the food at Randy's and swapping me over to Leon's car. We were meant to leave at 9:30am but we left at 11:30am :L The car ride there was alright. I was in the car with Tony, Ronnie, Mande and David for most of the trip. Just chilled and talked.

Got to the beach first and it was raining so we didn't go take on the waves. Just played on the park and ate BBQ and chilled. Afterward Hoa, Denne and Leon came. Headed to our okayish "house" We had two rooms. Went swimming there in the smallish pool with some of the boys. It was so cold at start but was alright afterward. Chilled at the place. Taboo in one room and Yugioh in another. Just chilled at the place for hours. Denis and I then walked to the BWS and got some alchy to make it abit more fun. Randy made his pasta which was okayish and David cheesecake was okay. Went to bed at like around 11ish since we had to get up for tomorrow. I slept in the room with Tony, Ronnie, Randy, Hannah and Mande. Had to sleep on the floor with Randy :L

It was so cold since I didn't had any blanket and the fan was blowing into me the whole night. I also hit my head on the chair when getting up a couple of times since I was under the chair :L Hoa, Denne and Leon slept in the car that night and went home at sometime that we didn't know.

21/04/2012 Saturday
Woke up at 4:30am with Mande. We whispered to each other if we should wake Randy up but while we were whispering, Tony woke up and told as to stfu :L Woke Randy up and got ready to cosplay. But for some old reason, Hieu also woke up and he was in the other room.... Mande did my makeup and it was a huge transformation. I looked like a girl :L Ate breakfast which was cooked by Randy and Hieu. Bacon and eggs. The four of the cosplayer. Mande, Randy, Ronnie and I got all dressed up but then I realised I forgot my cosplay pants at home :S but it was all good. It just stopped me from doing different pose and spreding my legs apart. Drove to the casino and walked to Supanova.

The line up was crazy but once we got in. The air-con was soooo GOOD ! There were more cosplayer than Brisbane supanova but the cosplayer isn't as good as Brisbane. Went around in different groups and bought stuff. Went to the beach afterward. Ronnie, Mande and I got changed at the carpark since we wanted to get out of our cosplay outfit asap. Went to the beach again and this time we and fought the waves. Everyone did cept Ronnie, Mande and Hannah. Man vs Beach. Man loss... Stayed there to quite late and we had to cook with a portable cooking stove since the BBQ place was taken for like four hours. Cooking food in the dark like a boss.

Drove back home and met up at Hannah's to sort out the stuff in both of the cars. Got home and I was locked outside :( but at least it was only for 5 mins. I was so so so tired so went to bed at like 10ish

22/04/2012 Sunday

Woke up at 7am and I was sooo tired. Went to teach the kids and most of the teachers wasn't even there and I came unprepared to teach :(
Got home and dad told me to go to this talk thingo. It went on for ages and it was so boring. Haven't slept ever since 7am.

Meee - Ichimaru Gin from Bleach
Ronnie - Sajin Komamura  from Bleach
Randy- Jushiro Ukitake from Bleach
Mande - Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII

Ewww my eyes
 Mande - Me - Ronnie after we got off the car.

 Three captains from Bleach. Ronnie - Me - Randy
 A random Matsumota took a photo with us
Mande and a random Lightning

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Mostly did chores today then Tony and Hieu came over to play Yugioh card :L It was actually pretty fun. Went to buy food and stuff for tomorrow trip with Tony, Randy, Vinh and David. Went back to Randy's and chilled. Anthony also came afterward. It was quite boring as Randy was quite pissed and stress. Then the three of us, David, Vinh and me walked to David to chill and attend his party. Got there then Tony came and picked us up. 

And tonight, my house have a black out ! Good thing my laptop battery last for 2 hours and I can use my phone as net for it :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


  • Tafe - Boring as always but at least there were no theory today :)
  • Jog with Mymy Only did one lap since we are so fat now :(
  • Boring night just watching anime like usual.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Don't go home

Stayed back after Tafe with Leon to do some wiring that we needed to do. It was just the two of us the in room and it was quite tiring I must say. All that thinking and wiring just mindfcked me since there were too much wires.

Monday, April 16, 2012


 Edward <3
So umm everyone in my class came to class at 8 and our teacher didn't even come till 10 :L He gave us our new timetable and it was pretty awesome I must say.
Monday - 10 - 3
Tuesday - 10 - 5
Wednesday - 8 - 3
It's alot better than Monday - Wednesday (8-5)
Bus'ed it home today. Took ages to get home though. Had to go to Sunnybank then city then Inala. Met Tom and Shane up at funhouse and chilled with them for awhile. Bus'ed it home with Randy and Ronnie. I hate catching bus home from tafe. Takes forever ! Get to sleep in tomorrow but I am an early bird and don't usual sleep in :L

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pretty Face

 Tsuna <3

Well, yesterday I was unable to blog cause of reasons *stares at alchy*
Yesterday :
Work was quite fun since there was a few people out there and we just chilled. Met up with Myvy in the city afterward for Sang's. Ate and MT. Met up with Tai and Tien and just sat down watching them eat their sushi. Met up with the rest of the group then headed to Karaoke. Took heaps of shots and sang (singing). I got pretty wasted :( FCK YOU 24 shots of shit ! I remember yacking up on the bus home but I don't remember getting on or off the bus :L If I did something wrong to someone.... SORRY ! AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF ME LAST NIGHT ! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS  ! Thank you Hoc ! Fun night though !
Today :
Today was a day where I just spent my time watching movies. Mostly anime and drama. Got hungover abit but it's fine now.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Took some of my upperclass students out to City today. We met at Inala and chilled while everyone has gathered. Met David and his gf there too. Hanged around them for awhile. Got there and ate Pancakes for lunch at the Manor. Got bbt then head to Karaoke. On the way there, we met a guy in a bear costume giving out free hugs. We hugged him :) Got to karaoke and it was quite boring to us boys since the girls sang Kpop most of the time. Pool afterward then went to Wintergarden to eat. It's finally openned ! Looks abit better than before. Bus'd it back, then I wanted for the kids to be picked up by their parents. Chilled at Inala afterward and met David with his girlfriend again. Vinh was also with them this time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I want it that way


Thank you for cutting my wig Hime-Same !
Went to Inala to meet up with Randy. Bought Bmt's for us and Mande. Met Td and chilled with him for abit then the three of us bussed it to Brodies. Td went home while Randy and I went over to Mande's. Ate our Bmt's together then chilled. Did some cosplay stuff. Mande is such a good wig cutter. So professional ! Her sister was painting her clay pot and I helped her. She's quite fun to play with but can be annoying at times :L Just like every other kids I have spent time with.... and btw I have the rights to play with kids alright. FCK YEAH FOR BLUECARD !

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Didn't really do anything excited today. Just did an exam and handed in most of my assignments. And I really hate our main teacher... he's such a d*ck. That is all !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What I Do

Tafe today was quite tiring but chillaxed at the same time. The first half was full on doing assignments and exam. The second half was fully bludged and I was in cbf mode to do my assignments that are due tomorrow. To stay up tonight or not? hmmmm

Monday, April 9, 2012

Volume Up

My clams finally opened tonight for the first time *Inside joke*
Went to Habour town and beach with my family. Most of the time was spent shopping and waiting for my family outside of the Oroton store :( I was sitting out there for like an hour and a half. FA.JPG Took walks around the beach since no one in my family wanted to swim cept daddy abit. It was a chilled day with Family. I was meant to be doing assignment today but I didn't wanna ditch my family again. And here I am, cramming for tomorrow day back at Tafe. I wished I did my assignments earlier. Why am I still procrastinating even when I finished school. *Knees down - Thunder roaring * WHY!?

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Reformated Hannah's mum/brother laptop. While I was doing it, I was just lying down on Hannah's bed then bam ! I fell asleep for a few minutes. LOL. Didn't see that coming. I guess I was tired. Came home and took another nap. Continued to Watch Dream High 2 from where I was left off ages ago. It's still boring. Only reason, I am watching it cause of the girls in it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sweet Love

Work today was super boring. So busy though. Inala was like packed. Linda and her little brother came over to chill before church. Walked there and chill there until it started. It was boring like always. Went home and decided not to go to a party with daddy and bro since I didn't wanna drink. Just got home then Mymy and Linda picked me up to go over to Thang's for dinner. It was actually a party :L Ate then ran to FL to get sparklers. 

The three of us drove back to Linda's and ate cookie & cream Ice cream. YUM ! Made two sparklers bomb and while we lit both of them up. Cars was driving down the street and we were like "Oh shit" so I ran and kicked it out of the way. No harm was caused. We made sparklers photos. It was awesome ! I created a pokemonball YAY ! Wrote names and even wrote penis :L

oh and the moon was so pretty tonight.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Live My Life

Today I mostly spent my time at church. Other than that I got bullied by kids on my bed. I wanted to take a good nap but nooooo they had to jump on me and kept me awake.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Drove daddy around to get alchy then he wanted to go to Inala for abit. Went there and stayed there for like 3 hours.. why? Cause he was playing chess :( At least I got free lunch with the vina workers. I hate this headache that doesn't go away. GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK !

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Turn it up

Went to centrelink to get my Health Care card then bus'ed it to City with Myvy. Met Kiet and Jessie on da bus. Bought Speakers at Dicksmith with my gift card. Walked to the Library and tried to study. Did very little work. Bus'ed it back to Inala and met David and Vinh. Chilled at david's for awhile. Vinh left then we had maccas. Walked home afterward. Very productive day indeed.......

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tearing Up My Heart

 Happy 18th Birthday Hoc !
Took my cousins out to watch The Lorax. My little cousin didn't shut up and was so annoying. Had to blackmailed him so he would have shut up :L Told him that I am not gonna get him minecraft if he talks alot. And it worked :) When we walked from city back to South Bank, he was so scared of walking over the bridge that he was hugging me the whole time we walked LOL. He's scared of height :L I found out his weakness now hehehe. 
The movie was alright. Bus'ed it home then all my cousin chilled at my place while we watched Sailor Moon. 

It was Hoc's 18th today so 2dn made a really late minute birthday party for him. Had BBQ at KLe's. "Ace of diamonds, I have two words for you, FCKK YOUUUU !" It was a funny night though.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Glad you came

Went to driving around with mum for awhile. We stopped at Forest Lake, mummy spent so much time shopping and I was very bored.  Went to Inala Library to do my assignments. Only managed to finish one thought. Myvy and I was trying to do work while Vinh and David was playing chess right in front of us. I couldn't stop looking at the game. Played Uno afterward and it was quite fun. Sadly Vinh and David were teaming up on me :( 

Went to KFC and we watched Vinh and David eat. Vinh and I walked Myvy home afterward then I went home and got ready to go to my uncle birthday dinner. The food was okay there was alright. Cousin was annoying as always but I can cope with it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Super Soaker

At youth today we did a play. There were six different groups. I was picked to do Jesus since I am a pro actor. Always me who have the big role for every play we do. Did Jesus like a boss with his 8 packs. Had to be half naked most of the time :L So many people missed out on seeing my sexy body. 

Afterward Hoa and I drove to city to meet up with Randy, Mande and Ronnie at QUT. We spent an hour to find parking and we didn't find any :( so we just parked in the carpark. When we went in, the boom gate was broken and the ticket machine was off so we didn't get a ticket. Walked to QUT and went into that costech thingo. The other guys were playing games while Mande tired on my Tidus cosplay. Went and ate hungry jack then Hoa and I walked back to the carpark knowing that we got a free parking since we didn't get a ticket. 

Got back and OMG. Someone fixed the boom gate :( and the ticket machine was still off. We couldn't get out of the place. So we had to call for help and talked to that guy who works at the carpark. We told him the whole story and he charged us only $17 YAY ! It wasn't $36 but $17. Still better than nothing.

Raced Hoa later on and I lost :( His car is just too fast for my super duper awesome legs.