Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sweet Love

Work today was super boring. So busy though. Inala was like packed. Linda and her little brother came over to chill before church. Walked there and chill there until it started. It was boring like always. Went home and decided not to go to a party with daddy and bro since I didn't wanna drink. Just got home then Mymy and Linda picked me up to go over to Thang's for dinner. It was actually a party :L Ate then ran to FL to get sparklers. 

The three of us drove back to Linda's and ate cookie & cream Ice cream. YUM ! Made two sparklers bomb and while we lit both of them up. Cars was driving down the street and we were like "Oh shit" so I ran and kicked it out of the way. No harm was caused. We made sparklers photos. It was awesome ! I created a pokemonball YAY ! Wrote names and even wrote penis :L

oh and the moon was so pretty tonight.

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