Monday, April 16, 2012


 Edward <3
So umm everyone in my class came to class at 8 and our teacher didn't even come till 10 :L He gave us our new timetable and it was pretty awesome I must say.
Monday - 10 - 3
Tuesday - 10 - 5
Wednesday - 8 - 3
It's alot better than Monday - Wednesday (8-5)
Bus'ed it home today. Took ages to get home though. Had to go to Sunnybank then city then Inala. Met Tom and Shane up at funhouse and chilled with them for awhile. Bus'ed it home with Randy and Ronnie. I hate catching bus home from tafe. Takes forever ! Get to sleep in tomorrow but I am an early bird and don't usual sleep in :L


  1. i'm never an early bird.. :( I usually sleep in until 10 sleepy in the mornings. Waking up for school was always the worst for me.

    1. I used to love to sleep in but now, it's kinda like a habit for me to wake up so early in the morning nowdays. Can't tend to sleep in even when I want to.
