Sunday, April 22, 2012

Someone Else

The last couple of days, I was unable to blog so here goes. Warning - It's gonna be quite long.
P.S. Photos of the four cosplayers at the bottom of this post

20/04/2012 Friday
Woke up early and packed since there was a blackout on thursday night. Met up with everyone heading to the coast at Randy's. The people who went with us was Tony, Ronnie, Mande, David, Randy, Hannah, Vinh, Denis, Hieu and meeeeeee. Had a small argument and problems while packing stuff in the cars. Solved the problem by leaving quite a few stuff back at Randy's. Drove abit and met at Shell petrol station and we had another problem. Leon's interger coudn't handle the weight in that car. Solved that problem by dropping off like 3/4 of the food at Randy's and swapping me over to Leon's car. We were meant to leave at 9:30am but we left at 11:30am :L The car ride there was alright. I was in the car with Tony, Ronnie, Mande and David for most of the trip. Just chilled and talked.

Got to the beach first and it was raining so we didn't go take on the waves. Just played on the park and ate BBQ and chilled. Afterward Hoa, Denne and Leon came. Headed to our okayish "house" We had two rooms. Went swimming there in the smallish pool with some of the boys. It was so cold at start but was alright afterward. Chilled at the place. Taboo in one room and Yugioh in another. Just chilled at the place for hours. Denis and I then walked to the BWS and got some alchy to make it abit more fun. Randy made his pasta which was okayish and David cheesecake was okay. Went to bed at like around 11ish since we had to get up for tomorrow. I slept in the room with Tony, Ronnie, Randy, Hannah and Mande. Had to sleep on the floor with Randy :L

It was so cold since I didn't had any blanket and the fan was blowing into me the whole night. I also hit my head on the chair when getting up a couple of times since I was under the chair :L Hoa, Denne and Leon slept in the car that night and went home at sometime that we didn't know.

21/04/2012 Saturday
Woke up at 4:30am with Mande. We whispered to each other if we should wake Randy up but while we were whispering, Tony woke up and told as to stfu :L Woke Randy up and got ready to cosplay. But for some old reason, Hieu also woke up and he was in the other room.... Mande did my makeup and it was a huge transformation. I looked like a girl :L Ate breakfast which was cooked by Randy and Hieu. Bacon and eggs. The four of the cosplayer. Mande, Randy, Ronnie and I got all dressed up but then I realised I forgot my cosplay pants at home :S but it was all good. It just stopped me from doing different pose and spreding my legs apart. Drove to the casino and walked to Supanova.

The line up was crazy but once we got in. The air-con was soooo GOOD ! There were more cosplayer than Brisbane supanova but the cosplayer isn't as good as Brisbane. Went around in different groups and bought stuff. Went to the beach afterward. Ronnie, Mande and I got changed at the carpark since we wanted to get out of our cosplay outfit asap. Went to the beach again and this time we and fought the waves. Everyone did cept Ronnie, Mande and Hannah. Man vs Beach. Man loss... Stayed there to quite late and we had to cook with a portable cooking stove since the BBQ place was taken for like four hours. Cooking food in the dark like a boss.

Drove back home and met up at Hannah's to sort out the stuff in both of the cars. Got home and I was locked outside :( but at least it was only for 5 mins. I was so so so tired so went to bed at like 10ish

22/04/2012 Sunday

Woke up at 7am and I was sooo tired. Went to teach the kids and most of the teachers wasn't even there and I came unprepared to teach :(
Got home and dad told me to go to this talk thingo. It went on for ages and it was so boring. Haven't slept ever since 7am.

Meee - Ichimaru Gin from Bleach
Ronnie - Sajin Komamura  from Bleach
Randy- Jushiro Ukitake from Bleach
Mande - Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII

Ewww my eyes
 Mande - Me - Ronnie after we got off the car.

 Three captains from Bleach. Ronnie - Me - Randy
 A random Matsumota took a photo with us
Mande and a random Lightning

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