Friday, April 13, 2012


Took some of my upperclass students out to City today. We met at Inala and chilled while everyone has gathered. Met David and his gf there too. Hanged around them for awhile. Got there and ate Pancakes for lunch at the Manor. Got bbt then head to Karaoke. On the way there, we met a guy in a bear costume giving out free hugs. We hugged him :) Got to karaoke and it was quite boring to us boys since the girls sang Kpop most of the time. Pool afterward then went to Wintergarden to eat. It's finally openned ! Looks abit better than before. Bus'd it back, then I wanted for the kids to be picked up by their parents. Chilled at Inala afterward and met David with his girlfriend again. Vinh was also with them this time.

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