Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pretty Face

 Tsuna <3

Well, yesterday I was unable to blog cause of reasons *stares at alchy*
Yesterday :
Work was quite fun since there was a few people out there and we just chilled. Met up with Myvy in the city afterward for Sang's. Ate and MT. Met up with Tai and Tien and just sat down watching them eat their sushi. Met up with the rest of the group then headed to Karaoke. Took heaps of shots and sang (singing). I got pretty wasted :( FCK YOU 24 shots of shit ! I remember yacking up on the bus home but I don't remember getting on or off the bus :L If I did something wrong to someone.... SORRY ! AND THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF ME LAST NIGHT ! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS  ! Thank you Hoc ! Fun night though !
Today :
Today was a day where I just spent my time watching movies. Mostly anime and drama. Got hungover abit but it's fine now.

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