Thursday, October 31, 2013


Spent my day at home resting and going shopping with Mummy at Inala. Later on in the night, I drove up to Tafe to do some extra study. Leon came abit later and we both did our assignments. Headed home since Tafe was closing. One of the Priest came over and taught me some Vietnamese lol He also schedule me for next week... Looks like I am going to be better at viet :L 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stay the Night

Spent my whole day at tafe doing assignments. Also stayed back for awhile to do some extra work before I headed to gym then touch. Sadly we loss tonight but it looks like we are improving :) I am going to spend most of my time tomorrow finishing off assignments. Hope all goes well ! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Never Surrender

Last night, I stayed up to study for two of my exams today. Felt good when I smashed them today. Stayed back after tafe to finish all some of last year work. Managed to finish two subjects :) Yaay ! Felt so happy but I have got another 13 subject to smash ! I can do this yo ! During that night study, I went with Paulo to his house to grab his usb and on the way back, we ate some Hungry Jack's. I was planning not to eat but I was so so hungry ! Better to eat then starve ! 

Monday, October 28, 2013


25/10/2013 - Friday

After work, I went over to Randy's to chill for abit before we went to pick Hannah up. We headed to Top Hot Pot and met up with Tony's car (Tony, Ronnie, Mande and Tony P) While ordering food, Danchi came. We ordered quite alot and the food was alright ! Hot pot~ While eating, we saw Steven and Natalee come in :L Then Tiff and her bf came.... That was weird... all these couples coming LOL

Afterward, we went back to Tony's for game night. It was fun like always, werewolves game was stuffed up though :L We played "Say anything" for the majority of the time. Also played Pictionary and chilled and talked for awhile. 

26/10/2013 - Saturday

Vincent and Tony came out to work and chilled with me for awhile :) Anthony also came out ! After work, I went to Thanh Linh with my parents and it was boring as always ! I don't like it :( People fainting and that... Was there for like hours LOL.

27/10/2013 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was alright today. Didn't really teach much but played games and chill more hahaha. I am such a bad teacher :L The kids love me though. oh and Linda came today ! Yaaay ! The two priest also came and they already knew me haha. We had a long meeting with the priest. 

Afterward, Vincent and I went to do our exam and we smashed it !! Thang and Anthony came over to chill and we played Street Figthers before we headed to touch. Played as a sub for Vincent teams since he needs people. Came home and was about to take a quick nap until the Ht's came over to mine for an urgret and important meeting about Thieu Nhi futures and which step to take.

The meeting went on for long until my parents came home and they all just started talking to them about all these funny things ! Even how I was given birth and I could had died so many times LOLOL. 

28/10/2013 - Monday

Went to tafe today feeling devo since I gotta finish 16 subjects in 5 weeks.... FML ! T_T !! After tafe, I went to Sunnybank with Leon to get a quick dinner then headed back to tafe to work on the subjects that we failed last year. I am going to work my arse off and finish this so I could get My Advance Diploma and go to Uni in peace.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I wrote up a to do list for today but it turns out, I didn't do anything :( It wasn't even a productive day. All I did was watched anime and anime since I am up to date with Running Man now. After Diner tonight, the two priests who are taking care of the church came over to chill. One of the priest grew fond of me and liked me. He even told me to put his number into my phone so he could schedule a time for me to learn viet of him. He even said to my dad that I am his son now LOL. He changed my name from Nguyen Duy Lam to Nguyen Trung Lam.... ehhhh LOL. It was fun talking to him :)

Choose You

Went to tafe right on time today and there was only the teacher and two other students there. So he didn't start class until everyone else came... zzzz could had slept in. Did assignments and Labs tonight which was alright since it wasn't boring lectures for the whole day. 

Went to touch tonight and we loss 8-5 :( Played against Showtime Devils. Their guys was super fast ! Even though we loss, we tried our best and had fun :) During the night, the alarm for St Mark's parish went on so the priests called us to go over and check it. 

I ran over there and there was a black figure so I ran to it and punched it. Caught the robber and handed him to the police..... LOL JOKES ! There was no one there. I just wanted to be a hero like kickass :L 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hold Tight

Tafe was so so boring since our main teacher was away so we had a sub and oh god, it was zzzz. Everyone was pretty much on their phones :L After tafe, I took a quick nap before I picked my daddy up. Jack picked me up for sports tonight and there wasn't much attendance but ten was enough for two teams.  It was Black shirts versus colours. Good game indeed :) Left early since jack needed to. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


19/10/2013 - Saturday

After work, I chilled with Nam at Inala and we ate lightly out there. Met My-Lynn before we walked home to mine. I helped his dad clean up their house until it was time for me to head over to Td's for his birthday. It was a pretty chill night. Everyone drank except for the drivers. The drivers picked a person to be linked up to and if one of the driver loses in the drinking game, the person linked had to drink for them :L It was funny ! 
 Ate heaps of steak and we didn't cake Td since we all wanted that cake hahaha. Drove Hoa to the gym afterward. Came home and I had forgotten that I had to do my Funfest tokens for youth :( Laters to me ! 

20/10/2013 - Sunday

After church in the morning, Thang, Anthony and I went out to Inala for breakfast. Youth was okayish ! Afterward, the bulk of the leaders went out to Inala to eat and chill. Thang and Anthony came back to mine to chill before we headed to play touch. It was just a casual game, still fun ! 

Later on in the night, I went to visit Ai-van who is in the hospital again. Met her family there and we just chilled and talk until it was after hours so we had to leave. This was the first night that I actually slept early ! Slept at 11 !!! YAAAY ! I've been sleeping at 1 or later for a couple of weeks already. Time to get back into business ! 

21/10/2013 - Monday

I woke up early and prepared for tafe but I didn't know if tafe was on or not so I stayed home to rest. Hoa asked me to go watch a movie with him so I was like, why not :L We watched "The family". It was okay.... Afterward, we went shopping at Dfo and bumped into Vinh. 

During the night, I went over to my cousins with my mummy. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

All That Matters

During work today, I became the Pokemon Master of Kalos !!! Sadly, the post game of Pokemon Y was such a disappointment :( There isn't really much to do compared to the other games. Ds ran out of batteries so it got really boring at work again :L

I was meant to go dinner and games night tonight but that didn't happen, instead, I went to church then Nam and Khang came over since their parents and sister are at the hospital. Took Nam to his gf place to drop off something then took the cousins over to Thang's place to chill for awhile. We had maccas on the way home and it was quite fun hanging out with them :) Gave them some advice about life too~

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Stayed home and spent my day watching Running Man and also Pokemon-ing. Did mah chores before I drove out to the mechanics to fix my car. On my way there, I saw Tuan Ho so I picked him up and gave him a lift to Inala. Got my Air-con re-gas ! Yaaay ! But it was so expensive :( 

Went out for dinner at Tan Thanh with my family tonight since mummy didn't feel like cooking. 

Ewob Green

Today, I skipped Tafe to go pump up my tires for Alexia (My car). Went over to Randy's to play Pokemon with him and Simon. Drove Randy to Red Rooster and we ate there. I haven't been there in ages, the food was alright for a fast food store. Came home and watched some Running Man and played Pokemon. Also did some chores. 

Later during the night, Andy picked me up for my first Touch Game. Met the players in my team and they were really friendly :) Unfortunately, the team that was meant to vs us didn't go so we had a fun game with this other team. We loss by a few points but that was good since we had fun :)

oh and I am famous guise !
Check it out ! at 0:14 You can see me for like a second or two :L Soooo FAMOUS NAOOO ! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Smashed two exams at tafe today and I spent most of the time there playing Pokemon haha. I am so addicted to it now. Gotta catch them all aye ! Sports tonight was quite fun ! We had heaps of attendance tonight. Made three teams of six since we only had half court to play with. Didn't end up playing futsal but it was still fun ! 

First Touch game tomororw and I am kinda excited for it :) My team name is Ewob Green LOL I don't like this name already but oh well. Hope there are cool people in this team :) 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Neon Run


12/10/2013 - Saturday

After work, I rushed over to Tai's place to visit the bbq/party for like 10 mins before I picked Thu up and headed over to Hanh's to get ready for the Neon Run. While waiting for Kim to get our kit, I met John and his group. Tien came later and found out that most of her cousins are here :L Both of our group shared items around for a better night. 

While we were lining up to take our photos, we missed out on our time so we ended up running with another group LOL. It was a fun night. The run wasn't that tiring but it was actually fun since there was 5 different stations to dance at. After the run, we dance at the after party for a while until we ran to the swimming pool for a quick dive :) it was refreshing ! Came back to the Neon Run for more dancing and fist pumping until we ate at the Bun Moblie. 

Came home and I rushed over to the Party but sadly, it was starting to end but I managed to met a few faces I haven't seen in awhile :) Drove over to Tony's for games night with my group + KT. It was funny how Kt was so obvious :L 

13/10/2013 - Sunday

I woke up late and missed out on going to the Colour Run and Noosa T_T So I ended up going to church in the morning and youth. Came to youth unprepared and didn't know what to teach so I did a quick revision and played some games with them. They missed me so much haha or I could say, They miss my games so much LOL. 

Afterward, we went out to Inala to eat at Anh Long's place. Came back to mine and Andy asked Thang and I to choreograph a dance and do it for his wedding. Another wedding to dance at.... I guess, it time to go back to dancing. Gotta do some research on some wedding songs. Vincent came over afterward and we did our PT exam and got it done :) 

Headed out to play Touch afterward. We actually did pretty good for a noobie team :L We even did better than some other teams. Vs'ed Thang's team and omg, They were good but we managed to hold them back :) Came back to mine with Thang and we chilled until we went over to Phap's place to eat and chill. 

14/10/2013 - Monday

Woke up and I didn't feel like going to tafe early but I did :) Left time early though to go make an extra key for my car and also bought Pokemon Y. Time to become a new Pokemon Master !! Got a text that a team needs me to play permanently with them on Wednesday for their touch team. I guess, I could help them out :) 

Friday, October 11, 2013


[Will insert Photos of Birthday here soon... when I get them :L ]
Happy Birthday Yennie ! 

Work today was really crap ! It was so hot ! and my phone ran out of batts :( Hannah came and visited for awhile until both Tony came. The heat was just cray cray today ! I hope it gets cooler soon ! During the night, I picked up Hoa and TP (Tony P) and we headed to Yennie's for her 19th Birthday. When we got there, barely anyone was there so we just chilled and ate. 

It was an alright party, more like a photo party then drinking :L Good catching up with people and I finally met Marlon again. oh god, it has been so long since I met this dude ! He seems so cool now :) Good chilax party :) Had funny moments too ! 

Neon Run tomorrow and Leon's 19th/House warming party. I am ready for another great day other than work.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rai Breaker

Happy Birthday Mummy~! 
Today has been quite a productive day :) After I dropped my dad off at work in the morning, I drove to Qtac at Milton with my brother. Asked them about an inquiry I had then off to Umart we went. Got better antenna for our computer internet :) 

Came home and rest abit before I headed out to Inala for a haircut. Cleaned my room and found some new gym music. At night, I drove my family to Garden City to have dinner and go around shopping since it was my mum birthday today. HBD MUMMY !! My mum tried out a kebab and she liked it :) 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ash Breaker

I woke up late today and was late for an hour and a half but the good thing was that, nothing important was taught for the class I missed out on. For four hours, we worked on our seven assignments that was given out today. Watched some running man and anime between breaks :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Spent my whole day at tafe today. 9 - 5 :( It was so tiring ! I managed to pay attention in class for the first 4 hours until Leon and I ko'ed in the third lesson. We pretty much fell asleep and trying to stay awake. The last lesson was quite good :) We got all dat energy from resting :) During lunch, I called up Qtac with my phone and omg, that long 20 mins wait in the queue :( I am sorry to all that credit I wasted.

After Tafe, I drove Duc home then headed straight to the gym and saw Kevin Le there. Came home and prepared dinner with my parents. Ate and Jack picked me up for sports. He just recently got his p's and wanted to drive me. Sport was fun as always. We played a long and intense game of Basketball. Muhammed came and omg, he's so pro ! 

On the way home, we had to take a detour and we were like stuff that, that detour is so long so we headed home by going to Goodna first. It was still long ! Jack dropped Tai, Kevin and I off at Tai's place and Kevin and I walked home.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Wrecking Ball

26/09/2013 - Thursday
Anthony came over and we played LoL for awhile until we went to Inala with Tham to buy food for camp. Got enough food and we couldn't fit all the food in my car so I had to get help from Td. Help arrived and we dropped all the food back at Tham's place.

Went over to Nam's afterward to chill and play some more LoL before the three of us went to eat Fish and Chip at Richlands. Drove to Mt Om and met up with the rest of the crew who are going to camp to get our colored uniform. Td and Anthony went back to mine to sleep for the night. Both of them took my blanket and I was so cold :(

27/09/2013 - Friday
It was time for camp ! Yaaay ! Met up at Trung Tam to load stuff onto our cars then headed out to Inala for breakfast. It was quite a long drive to the camp site. An hour and a half ish. The place was okay ish. There was no signal there and no electricity. So it was like a full on camp, CAMP. We set up our tents and it was down a slope :( No other better place.

28/09/2013 - Saturday
I am not going to do in much details. Kien, Anthony and I went for a swim down at the lake. It was refreshing ! :) We had our special camp fire thingo. Had a Treasure Hunt thingo.

29/09/2013 - Sunday
Happy Birthday Hannah ! Even though it wasn't your birthday, we still celebrated it :)
Came home from camp and we were all dead tired but had to go to church. After church, Ronnie picked me up and we went to Goong Kbbq for Hannah's 19th Birthday. Went to Kara after with some of them but I ended up playing Pool with some of the boys.

30/09/2013 - Monday
Was meant to go to Tafe but I was soo tired and stayed home instead.

01/10/2013 - Tuesday
Didn't go to tafe either since I was lazy. Went to Sports at night and it was fun as always.

02/10/2013 - Wednesday
Went to tafe today and it was boring. We are doing five subjects this term. It looks like it's going to be hard :(

03/10/2013 - Thursday
Pretty stayed home and watch Running Man and anime all day

04/10/2013 - Friday
Work was quite good ! Managed to get up to the Final boss in Kingdom Heart. Afterward, it was church then dinner/games night at Tony's. We had duck for dinner which was cooked by Randy and Tony's mum. We played Chinese Whisper, Werewolves (New one) and also 4 Kings with water. It was fun !

05/10/2013 - Saturday
After work, I went out to have Dinner with my family since it was my brother birthday today. We ate Kbbq at Jong Ga then chilled at South Bank afterward then home we went.

06/10/2013 - Sunday
Chilled all day in the morning until Vincent came over and we did some of our Pt assignment. Thang and Anthony came over aswell. Afterward, we went to Touch Training. It was my youth group team versus Tony's team and the others. It was quite fun but tiring. We had to leave early since we had church. After church, we played Hide n Seek around the church. It was so fun ! I drove Anthony, Td and Nam to Sunnybank to eat and chill.

07/10/2013 - Monday
Public Holidays today ! YAAY ! And what did I do? I went to the gym :L and also stayed home hahaha.