Monday, October 7, 2013

Wrecking Ball

26/09/2013 - Thursday
Anthony came over and we played LoL for awhile until we went to Inala with Tham to buy food for camp. Got enough food and we couldn't fit all the food in my car so I had to get help from Td. Help arrived and we dropped all the food back at Tham's place.

Went over to Nam's afterward to chill and play some more LoL before the three of us went to eat Fish and Chip at Richlands. Drove to Mt Om and met up with the rest of the crew who are going to camp to get our colored uniform. Td and Anthony went back to mine to sleep for the night. Both of them took my blanket and I was so cold :(

27/09/2013 - Friday
It was time for camp ! Yaaay ! Met up at Trung Tam to load stuff onto our cars then headed out to Inala for breakfast. It was quite a long drive to the camp site. An hour and a half ish. The place was okay ish. There was no signal there and no electricity. So it was like a full on camp, CAMP. We set up our tents and it was down a slope :( No other better place.

28/09/2013 - Saturday
I am not going to do in much details. Kien, Anthony and I went for a swim down at the lake. It was refreshing ! :) We had our special camp fire thingo. Had a Treasure Hunt thingo.

29/09/2013 - Sunday
Happy Birthday Hannah ! Even though it wasn't your birthday, we still celebrated it :)
Came home from camp and we were all dead tired but had to go to church. After church, Ronnie picked me up and we went to Goong Kbbq for Hannah's 19th Birthday. Went to Kara after with some of them but I ended up playing Pool with some of the boys.

30/09/2013 - Monday
Was meant to go to Tafe but I was soo tired and stayed home instead.

01/10/2013 - Tuesday
Didn't go to tafe either since I was lazy. Went to Sports at night and it was fun as always.

02/10/2013 - Wednesday
Went to tafe today and it was boring. We are doing five subjects this term. It looks like it's going to be hard :(

03/10/2013 - Thursday
Pretty stayed home and watch Running Man and anime all day

04/10/2013 - Friday
Work was quite good ! Managed to get up to the Final boss in Kingdom Heart. Afterward, it was church then dinner/games night at Tony's. We had duck for dinner which was cooked by Randy and Tony's mum. We played Chinese Whisper, Werewolves (New one) and also 4 Kings with water. It was fun !

05/10/2013 - Saturday
After work, I went out to have Dinner with my family since it was my brother birthday today. We ate Kbbq at Jong Ga then chilled at South Bank afterward then home we went.

06/10/2013 - Sunday
Chilled all day in the morning until Vincent came over and we did some of our Pt assignment. Thang and Anthony came over aswell. Afterward, we went to Touch Training. It was my youth group team versus Tony's team and the others. It was quite fun but tiring. We had to leave early since we had church. After church, we played Hide n Seek around the church. It was so fun ! I drove Anthony, Td and Nam to Sunnybank to eat and chill.

07/10/2013 - Monday
Public Holidays today ! YAAY ! And what did I do? I went to the gym :L and also stayed home hahaha.

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