Monday, October 14, 2013

Neon Run


12/10/2013 - Saturday

After work, I rushed over to Tai's place to visit the bbq/party for like 10 mins before I picked Thu up and headed over to Hanh's to get ready for the Neon Run. While waiting for Kim to get our kit, I met John and his group. Tien came later and found out that most of her cousins are here :L Both of our group shared items around for a better night. 

While we were lining up to take our photos, we missed out on our time so we ended up running with another group LOL. It was a fun night. The run wasn't that tiring but it was actually fun since there was 5 different stations to dance at. After the run, we dance at the after party for a while until we ran to the swimming pool for a quick dive :) it was refreshing ! Came back to the Neon Run for more dancing and fist pumping until we ate at the Bun Moblie. 

Came home and I rushed over to the Party but sadly, it was starting to end but I managed to met a few faces I haven't seen in awhile :) Drove over to Tony's for games night with my group + KT. It was funny how Kt was so obvious :L 

13/10/2013 - Sunday

I woke up late and missed out on going to the Colour Run and Noosa T_T So I ended up going to church in the morning and youth. Came to youth unprepared and didn't know what to teach so I did a quick revision and played some games with them. They missed me so much haha or I could say, They miss my games so much LOL. 

Afterward, we went out to Inala to eat at Anh Long's place. Came back to mine and Andy asked Thang and I to choreograph a dance and do it for his wedding. Another wedding to dance at.... I guess, it time to go back to dancing. Gotta do some research on some wedding songs. Vincent came over afterward and we did our PT exam and got it done :) 

Headed out to play Touch afterward. We actually did pretty good for a noobie team :L We even did better than some other teams. Vs'ed Thang's team and omg, They were good but we managed to hold them back :) Came back to mine with Thang and we chilled until we went over to Phap's place to eat and chill. 

14/10/2013 - Monday

Woke up and I didn't feel like going to tafe early but I did :) Left time early though to go make an extra key for my car and also bought Pokemon Y. Time to become a new Pokemon Master !! Got a text that a team needs me to play permanently with them on Wednesday for their touch team. I guess, I could help them out :) 

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