Monday, October 21, 2013


19/10/2013 - Saturday

After work, I chilled with Nam at Inala and we ate lightly out there. Met My-Lynn before we walked home to mine. I helped his dad clean up their house until it was time for me to head over to Td's for his birthday. It was a pretty chill night. Everyone drank except for the drivers. The drivers picked a person to be linked up to and if one of the driver loses in the drinking game, the person linked had to drink for them :L It was funny ! 
 Ate heaps of steak and we didn't cake Td since we all wanted that cake hahaha. Drove Hoa to the gym afterward. Came home and I had forgotten that I had to do my Funfest tokens for youth :( Laters to me ! 

20/10/2013 - Sunday

After church in the morning, Thang, Anthony and I went out to Inala for breakfast. Youth was okayish ! Afterward, the bulk of the leaders went out to Inala to eat and chill. Thang and Anthony came back to mine to chill before we headed to play touch. It was just a casual game, still fun ! 

Later on in the night, I went to visit Ai-van who is in the hospital again. Met her family there and we just chilled and talk until it was after hours so we had to leave. This was the first night that I actually slept early ! Slept at 11 !!! YAAAY ! I've been sleeping at 1 or later for a couple of weeks already. Time to get back into business ! 

21/10/2013 - Monday

I woke up early and prepared for tafe but I didn't know if tafe was on or not so I stayed home to rest. Hoa asked me to go watch a movie with him so I was like, why not :L We watched "The family". It was okay.... Afterward, we went shopping at Dfo and bumped into Vinh. 

During the night, I went over to my cousins with my mummy. 

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