Friday, October 11, 2013


[Will insert Photos of Birthday here soon... when I get them :L ]
Happy Birthday Yennie ! 

Work today was really crap ! It was so hot ! and my phone ran out of batts :( Hannah came and visited for awhile until both Tony came. The heat was just cray cray today ! I hope it gets cooler soon ! During the night, I picked up Hoa and TP (Tony P) and we headed to Yennie's for her 19th Birthday. When we got there, barely anyone was there so we just chilled and ate. 

It was an alright party, more like a photo party then drinking :L Good catching up with people and I finally met Marlon again. oh god, it has been so long since I met this dude ! He seems so cool now :) Good chilax party :) Had funny moments too ! 

Neon Run tomorrow and Leon's 19th/House warming party. I am ready for another great day other than work.

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