Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ewob Green

Today, I skipped Tafe to go pump up my tires for Alexia (My car). Went over to Randy's to play Pokemon with him and Simon. Drove Randy to Red Rooster and we ate there. I haven't been there in ages, the food was alright for a fast food store. Came home and watched some Running Man and played Pokemon. Also did some chores. 

Later during the night, Andy picked me up for my first Touch Game. Met the players in my team and they were really friendly :) Unfortunately, the team that was meant to vs us didn't go so we had a fun game with this other team. We loss by a few points but that was good since we had fun :)

oh and I am famous guise !
Check it out ! at 0:14 You can see me for like a second or two :L Soooo FAMOUS NAOOO ! 

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