Thursday, October 24, 2013

Choose You

Went to tafe right on time today and there was only the teacher and two other students there. So he didn't start class until everyone else came... zzzz could had slept in. Did assignments and Labs tonight which was alright since it wasn't boring lectures for the whole day. 

Went to touch tonight and we loss 8-5 :( Played against Showtime Devils. Their guys was super fast ! Even though we loss, we tried our best and had fun :) During the night, the alarm for St Mark's parish went on so the priests called us to go over and check it. 

I ran over there and there was a black figure so I ran to it and punched it. Caught the robber and handed him to the police..... LOL JOKES ! There was no one there. I just wanted to be a hero like kickass :L 

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