Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Spent my day camping the computer to register for my Uni classes. I managed to get in like six minutes before the official time and got some good times :) It was even better than what I planned it to be :) 

Spent the day finishing Season 4 of Vampire Diaries and some other animes. Later on in the night, I took Myvy out for dinner at Norman Hotel to have a catch up dinner. It was her first time eating steak at a restaurant so gotta take her somewhere that is exxy :) Yolo ! The food took ages to cook but it was so yummy ! We talked alot and it was a good catch up :) 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rocklea Tet Festival

24/01/2013 - Friday

Work was pretty chill today. Afterward, I drove to the Tet Festival at Rocklea and omg, $10 for parking done right there ! Hanged with "The Group" and helped out Compassion Vietnam for abit. We mainly stayed at Bingo and lost but Mande won the first game :) I wanted that fan ! The Tawanise pancake there was really nice and cheap ! This year Tet was small and dark since there wasn't much light around the area. Luckily it didn't rain this year :) Stayed there until 12ish since I gotta drive my mummy home and she was helping out with one of the stores. 

25/01/2014 - Saturday

went to the Tet Festival today since I gotta take my cousins there. I was going to help out Compassion Vietnam but I bumped into Nam and Anothny (Cousins) and we chilled together. Thang, Tam, Lien, Trung and his gf also chilled with us. We tried to hook Anthony with this girl but failed :L Well, next time there shall be no faluire. 

26/01/2014 - Sunday

Celebrated Straya day at TP's house this year with "The group" (This group doesn't really have a name :L I shall call it "The group" for now) We tried to make a seafood bbq but we only had enough money for oysters. Some good foodies made by our chief, Randy Nguyen ! He's gonna be famous sooon.... SOOON aka Never! I felt like trolling again and since Tony parked his car on the wrong side of the road, I gave him a parking ticket and place it on his car :L Also put tickets on Ronnie's car since his car was so black and ugly :L Came inside and scared them saying they have parking tickets :L Later on, I decided to became a ninja again and managed to steal Tony's and Ronnie's car keys and moved their car away since they didn't pay for their parking fines :L 

Should had seen their reaction when their car was missing :L We went to the park down the road to play some volley ball. Bump into Mark (From tafe) since he just moved to the area. Haven't seen him eversince Tafe. Gotta catch up with him sometime soon. I went home early to go to church. Afterward, I went over to Kevin's Le for poker night but they moved it to Hoc's place since 2dn is having a drink up there. Was gonna head over there until Randy called me and told me to drive him to Sunnybank with Ronnie to have some small dinner.

We got there and chilled there for like 3 hours before we had to pick Mande up from work. Ate so much dessert and it was a fun night chilling with Randy and Ronnie. Those guys are like a couple that would never break up :L 

27/01/2014 - Monday

Today was a day where my brother, daddy and Myself cleaned the house and our room for Tet. That was what we did pretty much today. Also watched anime for abit. Watched half of Frozen last night :)

28/01/2014 - Tuesday

Today wasn't that productive :( Inala parking was so insane today ! It was like, a busy Thursday late night shopping ! There was no where to park so I just park on a street far away from the shops.

Went to get my teeth checked at the Inala Health care Centre and they send me to go get an X-Ray. Turns out, I need surgery for my wisdom teeth so Logan Hospital are going to contact me sometime soon :(

Finished watching Frozen today whilst doing chores for mummy. There was so much singing in it but it's a good movie :) Took a quick nap after until Mum woke my brother and I up to go pick my dad up. I didn't know my brother was going so I went to pick him up until we both bump into each other at Inala zzzz Only one of us had to go LOL

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Liu Yifei

Nothing really productive happened today. Spent most of the day at home watching movies. Watched "The Four" 1 & 2 and I liked it ! Just because Liu Yifei was in it ;) Watched some of the latest Running Man also and a few animes. I was meant to go help Chi Nai-Tien out again but it rained and I was lazy :( Sorry Chi Nai-Tieeeen ! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


It was a kinda busy day for me today :) Very productive ! In the morning, I picked Hoa up from the Mechanics before it was time to pick up Randy and head for Goodna. Dropped Randy off first at Chi Nai-Tien house before Hoa and I went to work at BeepFone. I wasn't really working, just helping out for abit. 

After working for like an hour, I went back to her house and chilled with Randy and Michael before the rest of the group came. We helped make Nem Nuong and also corns. We were super duper unco at the start but after awhile, we became pros ! During making them, Randy and I went to get 12 bags of ice ! My whole boot was ice cold ! It didn't make a good air-con though :L 

I left early at like 4ish to go to the cemetery to visit my grandparents and Anh Tuannie. Vinh and Lynn tagged along but they stayed in the car while I went in by myself. Picked Hoa up after and dropped everyone off at home. 

Later on during the night, I took Cindy to the gym and damn, She's quite strong and fit for a beginner who just came back to gyming :) 

No socks

Didn't really do much during day time today except for booking my appointment to check out my wisdom teeth and slept :L After I woke up, I realized it was time to go to Kevin's Le to stake. I took my roller blade there and Kevin went on his long-board while Andy took his scooter. We staked around our streets and ended up at Teresa place. Chilled outside her place for abit before we headed back.

Came home and had dinner before I went to Ice staking with KLe. Our initial plan was to go there, chill for abit and not stake then head home early. That plan didn't work out at all ! We ended up staking since Denne and Squishy headed home early ! There stakes fits our size ! It was a miracle  ! 

Only managed to stake for 30 mins but it was fun ! Afterward, we were meant to go home but we ended up in Sunnybank with Cindy, Thanh, Hieu, David, Elita, Mylinh and a couple of others. Watched them drank at Sakuraya then afterward, a few of us went to get Ramen but it was close so we drove over to Town Plaza for ramen there but sadly it was also close :( Therefore, Cindy, Hieu, Kle, Thanh and Myself went to Coffee Square to eat. Only Cindy and Hieu ate while the rest chilled and talked :) It was fun catching up with these guys :)

Monday, January 20, 2014


11/01/2014 - Saturday

Canceled work today to go to Danchi's Pool Party ! Met up with Randy, Neilson and TP at Randy's before we headed to Danchi's. We stopped by an alchy place to get beer. There was only 3 good parking at her place and I got one of it :) 

We chilled and talked there while waiting for everyone else to come. Swimming was so fun ! Should do it again next time ! After swimming, we chilled and waited until it was time to go eat Kbbq at Goong. We pretty much walked there since it was close ! After dinner, we headed for dessert at Market Square then went to get our car washed at Oxley. Nts, do not poor chlorine water onto cars :L 

Went back to Randy's to watch a movie and we ended up watching "Wreak it Ralph". It was so uncomfortable watching at Randy's since the place was so small ! 

12/01/2014 - Sunday

Spent my day at home playing game with Randy, Ronnie and Mande until I had to go over to my cousins place for a family. We chilled there with the kids and meet our relatives from Melbourne. These kids which are my cousins already know how to swear and sex.... There are only like 10 years old right now... wth !
Ate and played Basketball ! It was fun ! 

13/01/2014 - Monday

I went over to pick Nam up so we could go return the Hugo Boss shoes that he got from asos since it doesn't fit him. After returning it, we ate Steak at Bluefire then he went for a haircut. 
Later on during the night, Nam's family and mine went out to Mt Cootha for our relatives at Melbourne to have a good view of Brisbane. 

14/01/2014 - Tuesday

Helped set up and cooked with mummy today since we had a party at mine. Played Tera with Mande in between my breaks. It was fun ! Mummy made so much food ! The party was a really chilled one ! I was so tired but it lasted forever ! After the party, I had to do so much cleaning up ! I hate cleaning after parties at mine :( 

15/01/2014 - Wednesday

My family and I went to the Valley to go to this herbalist to check my wrist out but they don't open on Wednesday :( We drove all the way up to Mango Hill to return a family friend up there. It was a long trip ! Came home and I went straight to sleep ! Worked up and had to go play my touch game. We loss again ! NUUU ! I wanna WIN ! 

16/01/2014 - Thursday

Went to work and it was gay ! I forgot what I did on Thursday night... Maybe it was nothing ! 

17/01/2014 - Friday

I am starting to hate work now but the money ! Afterward, it was church time then we played Table Tennis after church for our "after church sport" this time. It was fun ! I had to head home early for a Nganh Truong meeting at mine. The meeting didn't go for too long and their dragged me out to eat Bungle Bungle at Runcorn. Bumped into Sang, Oscar and Michelle there. Also Hai too ! 

18/01/2014 - Saturday

After work, I drove my mummy to Anthony's place for a family party there. Thang was also there. We chilled with the kiddies, practice and planned abit of dance and just chilled most of the time. The adults were making us drink but I had to drive :) Best excuse eva ! 

After going home, I went over to Nam's place to chill with family and omg, the stories about my dad uncle are the best ! It's so so funny ! 

19/01/2014 - Sunday

After church, I went to the Valley with my family to check up on my wrist with a herbalist. We waited for like 3 hours just to see him :( It was a very long pantince wait but I made it :) He said that the blood in my wrist are frozen so therefore, there is no bloodflow :( I am a vampire guise ! I have to drink herb now it taste disgusting ! We ate at King of Kings Yum Cha then headed back to our dentist appointment to check up on our teeth. 

20/01/2014 - Monday

After dropping mah papa off work today, I went to Centrelink to tell them that I am studying this year, they told me to do it on the computer zzz so I just left :L Dropped by Tien's workplace and talked to her for awhile before I went to get my X-Ray for my wisdom teeth. I was served by Vi Vo there ! Didn't know she worked there :) 

After work, I took a long refreshing nap at home :) Went to watch a 47 Ronin with my brother and cousins. The movie was alright. Afterward, we ate at coffee square in Sb. All the food was so salty !

Friday, January 10, 2014


I worked today and it was the same same. After work, I got picked up by Simon and we headed to Randy's with the group before we headed out to Eat Street ! Tried a couple of different food and it taste good but the pricing is quite exxy :( We split up into small groups to grab munchies and met back up as a big group to eat everything ! 

After walking the streets of Eatting, we headed to Milany for ice-cream ! Chilled there for awhile before I headed home. I am aactually not sleeping early tonight, there's so much stuff that I must watch until I call it a night. Yaay ! No work tomorrow since I cancelled work which means, no money but time to go out :) 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Set it off

Today was quite productive :) Vincent came over and we smashed four of our PT exams :) Grabbed lunch at Inala then went to Ikea with Ai-van, Nam, Jacquelynn and Khang. It was so massive and it took us around three whole hours to go through everything quickly. Nam bought a few items and I bought a saucepan for $2 :L The food there was alright ! When I grow older, most of my housewares will be from Ikea and not from Inala homeware & Kitchen :L! (Sorry Uncle !) I love that place to bits ! Would go window shopping there again ! 

Arghh, work tomorrow :( gaay ! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bring The Noise

Work today was alright, Spent most of my time on my iPad either studying or playing games. Randy came by for a quick visit and he also brought me water ! Thank you ! Linh and Hong-anh also popped by for like a min :L 

I've been starting to drink tea again ! Earl Grey <3 ! I'm trying to get back into my old habit of drinking tea, I threw away this habit when I finished High School but now, it's also good to go back to the past and enjoy :) 

Spent my night watching Vampire Diaries and also some anime. Tried to sleep early again last night but all I did was rolled around my bed for ages until I ko'ed at like 1ish :( Going to try to sleep early again tonight and hopefully I can !  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sub Cccasum Solis

Spent my day at work today and it was kinda productive. Studied abit of my PT until I got bored and started to play games on the iPad. At least I managed to study abit :) After work, I rushed to the gym to workout for abit before I headed to the lake (Forest Lake) for a jog with Nam and Khang. 

The sunset was beautiful ! It has been ages since I've gone for joggings so I decided to make today a warm up session to get ready for the intense weeks of jogging. I ran one whole lap and abit without stopping and I knew I could had gone futher but I didn't want to make the other wait for me so I stopped and turned back to the car. 

We did some shopping at woolies before we headed back to mine to chill. Before I dropped them home, we took a visit to Trung Tam (Viet Church) since Nam's gf was jogging/walking there with some others. We even went for another run :L 

Another day at work tomorrow, another dollar ! 

Monday, January 6, 2014


Today seems to be half-ish productive. I've set goals to do today and I accomplish them :) Yaay ! To start the day off, I took daddy to work then head to Centrelink to give them a document that they needed from my parents. The waiting for Centrelink took forever :( At least there was air-con there ! 

Afterward, I drove to DFO and did some shopping by myself. Made some good purchase then headed home to sleep in the air-con ! Took a quick nap before I cleaned my room and set more goals for tomorrow ! My uncle came over during the night to borrow my printer to print a few stuff for his store since his printer at home died out on him :( 

Woo ! Work tomorrow ! I am not looking forward to working in this heat but all I've to do is think about the Ca-ching ! $MONEEEY$

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Today I went over to Hoa's place to chill before we headed up for Ice staking with Hong, Lynn, Kle, Leon, Andy and Thanh. I will always love ice staking but today wasn't as fun as other times since there wasn't much people staking :( But it was still fun ! We didn't skate for the whole four hours but instead, we headed up to Market Sqaure for some foodie ! Ate at the place that replaced Kadoya and it was pretty much the same :L

Yaay ! Day off tomorrow but I gotta go back to centrelink so I can get my money :) 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Today, I died and died and died again and again and again :( It was so bloody hot ! Had to work on a day that was this hot was super insane ! We even close early cause it was hot and there was no one.... Well, there was customers but not alot. Still can't believe there was still people shopping in this heat. 

I felt like being burnt when I was out in the sun, unbelievable ! Later on in the night, Vincent came over and we smashed an exam. One more step closer to becoming PT :) Afterward, we headed out to Fusion 360 to eat desserts with Linh, Hong-Anh, Johnnie and Chi Quynh. It was a very chilling night. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Red Candle

Work was soo hot today ! I was like burning just sitting inside with a fan... :( Vincent and Pumba came by to chill for awhile. It was pretty boring since no one came in cause of this stupid heat :( Hopefully tomorrow will be better but I have heard that it would be hotter than today :O What to do? 

After work, my aunty popped by and when she was about to leave, her car wouldn't start up so I had to use my car to jump start it but, the battery in her car died :( RIP ! My uncle went to go get a new battery while I drove my family to church. 

After church, I went over to my cousins place to chill and try to fix my hard drive but nope ! I failed :( Needed to buy this software for $90 and Lammie said no to that so all my anime now are gone for real -cries- oh well. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014



31/12/2013 - Tuesday

I was planning to go to 2dn NYE Party at night but then some of the thieu nhi guys came over and asked me to go eat dinner with them and so I bailed on 2dn and went with them. We ate Yum Cha then went to chill at mine with desserts from woolies. All that ice-cream and chocalate :( I ate it since it was NYE but never again :L 

Gambled until 2 am maaan ! I had like $15 profit :) Yaaaay ! Fireworks came up on Tv and that was what I did for my NYE. Wasn't as good as the other years but still fun with friends I guess. 

1/01/2013 - Wednesday

My parents asked me to go deliver some stuff for them to the priests so I did. When I got there, I got invited in and why not. Ended up staying there for like two hours LOL. That wasn't my plan at all :( I was planning to be there for like 5-10 mins but nope. 

At night, Anthony picked me up and we headed to Tony's for our New Year party ! It was fun ! Chilled alot and also drank ! Yum ! It has been so so long since I drank :) The beast is finally out again ! We played drinking roulette. After a while there, we all planned to go gym. Four of us got to the gym while we wait for the others to come but then, there couldn't come since they needed to sober up so.... The other three took me to Maccas since it was my birthday. So us four, Anthony, Neilson and Tony P chilled at maccas and we had ghost stories just for the sake of it :L It was a fun night indeed ! 

2/01/2013 - Thursday

YAAY ! It's my birthday today ! :) I am not in my teens anymore :( Damn, I really am old now aren't I? So at like Lunch time, Hoa, Tony P Neilson and Myself went to the casino since it was my birthday. We didn't end up being lucky and loss :( It was still fun though. Had steak for lunch then we played a couple games of pool which was fun :) 

Didn't get any free ramen cause it was fattening and Lammie says no to getting fat :L Nam and Khang came over to chill since they jogged here :L Drove them home and chilled at theirs for awhile.