Wednesday, January 22, 2014


It was a kinda busy day for me today :) Very productive ! In the morning, I picked Hoa up from the Mechanics before it was time to pick up Randy and head for Goodna. Dropped Randy off first at Chi Nai-Tien house before Hoa and I went to work at BeepFone. I wasn't really working, just helping out for abit. 

After working for like an hour, I went back to her house and chilled with Randy and Michael before the rest of the group came. We helped make Nem Nuong and also corns. We were super duper unco at the start but after awhile, we became pros ! During making them, Randy and I went to get 12 bags of ice ! My whole boot was ice cold ! It didn't make a good air-con though :L 

I left early at like 4ish to go to the cemetery to visit my grandparents and Anh Tuannie. Vinh and Lynn tagged along but they stayed in the car while I went in by myself. Picked Hoa up after and dropped everyone off at home. 

Later on during the night, I took Cindy to the gym and damn, She's quite strong and fit for a beginner who just came back to gyming :) 

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