Wednesday, January 22, 2014

No socks

Didn't really do much during day time today except for booking my appointment to check out my wisdom teeth and slept :L After I woke up, I realized it was time to go to Kevin's Le to stake. I took my roller blade there and Kevin went on his long-board while Andy took his scooter. We staked around our streets and ended up at Teresa place. Chilled outside her place for abit before we headed back.

Came home and had dinner before I went to Ice staking with KLe. Our initial plan was to go there, chill for abit and not stake then head home early. That plan didn't work out at all ! We ended up staking since Denne and Squishy headed home early ! There stakes fits our size ! It was a miracle  ! 

Only managed to stake for 30 mins but it was fun ! Afterward, we were meant to go home but we ended up in Sunnybank with Cindy, Thanh, Hieu, David, Elita, Mylinh and a couple of others. Watched them drank at Sakuraya then afterward, a few of us went to get Ramen but it was close so we drove over to Town Plaza for ramen there but sadly it was also close :( Therefore, Cindy, Hieu, Kle, Thanh and Myself went to Coffee Square to eat. Only Cindy and Hieu ate while the rest chilled and talked :) It was fun catching up with these guys :)

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