Thursday, January 2, 2014



31/12/2013 - Tuesday

I was planning to go to 2dn NYE Party at night but then some of the thieu nhi guys came over and asked me to go eat dinner with them and so I bailed on 2dn and went with them. We ate Yum Cha then went to chill at mine with desserts from woolies. All that ice-cream and chocalate :( I ate it since it was NYE but never again :L 

Gambled until 2 am maaan ! I had like $15 profit :) Yaaaay ! Fireworks came up on Tv and that was what I did for my NYE. Wasn't as good as the other years but still fun with friends I guess. 

1/01/2013 - Wednesday

My parents asked me to go deliver some stuff for them to the priests so I did. When I got there, I got invited in and why not. Ended up staying there for like two hours LOL. That wasn't my plan at all :( I was planning to be there for like 5-10 mins but nope. 

At night, Anthony picked me up and we headed to Tony's for our New Year party ! It was fun ! Chilled alot and also drank ! Yum ! It has been so so long since I drank :) The beast is finally out again ! We played drinking roulette. After a while there, we all planned to go gym. Four of us got to the gym while we wait for the others to come but then, there couldn't come since they needed to sober up so.... The other three took me to Maccas since it was my birthday. So us four, Anthony, Neilson and Tony P chilled at maccas and we had ghost stories just for the sake of it :L It was a fun night indeed ! 

2/01/2013 - Thursday

YAAY ! It's my birthday today ! :) I am not in my teens anymore :( Damn, I really am old now aren't I? So at like Lunch time, Hoa, Tony P Neilson and Myself went to the casino since it was my birthday. We didn't end up being lucky and loss :( It was still fun though. Had steak for lunch then we played a couple games of pool which was fun :) 

Didn't get any free ramen cause it was fattening and Lammie says no to getting fat :L Nam and Khang came over to chill since they jogged here :L Drove them home and chilled at theirs for awhile. 

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