Monday, January 20, 2014


11/01/2014 - Saturday

Canceled work today to go to Danchi's Pool Party ! Met up with Randy, Neilson and TP at Randy's before we headed to Danchi's. We stopped by an alchy place to get beer. There was only 3 good parking at her place and I got one of it :) 

We chilled and talked there while waiting for everyone else to come. Swimming was so fun ! Should do it again next time ! After swimming, we chilled and waited until it was time to go eat Kbbq at Goong. We pretty much walked there since it was close ! After dinner, we headed for dessert at Market Square then went to get our car washed at Oxley. Nts, do not poor chlorine water onto cars :L 

Went back to Randy's to watch a movie and we ended up watching "Wreak it Ralph". It was so uncomfortable watching at Randy's since the place was so small ! 

12/01/2014 - Sunday

Spent my day at home playing game with Randy, Ronnie and Mande until I had to go over to my cousins place for a family. We chilled there with the kids and meet our relatives from Melbourne. These kids which are my cousins already know how to swear and sex.... There are only like 10 years old right now... wth !
Ate and played Basketball ! It was fun ! 

13/01/2014 - Monday

I went over to pick Nam up so we could go return the Hugo Boss shoes that he got from asos since it doesn't fit him. After returning it, we ate Steak at Bluefire then he went for a haircut. 
Later on during the night, Nam's family and mine went out to Mt Cootha for our relatives at Melbourne to have a good view of Brisbane. 

14/01/2014 - Tuesday

Helped set up and cooked with mummy today since we had a party at mine. Played Tera with Mande in between my breaks. It was fun ! Mummy made so much food ! The party was a really chilled one ! I was so tired but it lasted forever ! After the party, I had to do so much cleaning up ! I hate cleaning after parties at mine :( 

15/01/2014 - Wednesday

My family and I went to the Valley to go to this herbalist to check my wrist out but they don't open on Wednesday :( We drove all the way up to Mango Hill to return a family friend up there. It was a long trip ! Came home and I went straight to sleep ! Worked up and had to go play my touch game. We loss again ! NUUU ! I wanna WIN ! 

16/01/2014 - Thursday

Went to work and it was gay ! I forgot what I did on Thursday night... Maybe it was nothing ! 

17/01/2014 - Friday

I am starting to hate work now but the money ! Afterward, it was church time then we played Table Tennis after church for our "after church sport" this time. It was fun ! I had to head home early for a Nganh Truong meeting at mine. The meeting didn't go for too long and their dragged me out to eat Bungle Bungle at Runcorn. Bumped into Sang, Oscar and Michelle there. Also Hai too ! 

18/01/2014 - Saturday

After work, I drove my mummy to Anthony's place for a family party there. Thang was also there. We chilled with the kiddies, practice and planned abit of dance and just chilled most of the time. The adults were making us drink but I had to drive :) Best excuse eva ! 

After going home, I went over to Nam's place to chill with family and omg, the stories about my dad uncle are the best ! It's so so funny ! 

19/01/2014 - Sunday

After church, I went to the Valley with my family to check up on my wrist with a herbalist. We waited for like 3 hours just to see him :( It was a very long pantince wait but I made it :) He said that the blood in my wrist are frozen so therefore, there is no bloodflow :( I am a vampire guise ! I have to drink herb now it taste disgusting ! We ate at King of Kings Yum Cha then headed back to our dentist appointment to check up on our teeth. 

20/01/2014 - Monday

After dropping mah papa off work today, I went to Centrelink to tell them that I am studying this year, they told me to do it on the computer zzz so I just left :L Dropped by Tien's workplace and talked to her for awhile before I went to get my X-Ray for my wisdom teeth. I was served by Vi Vo there ! Didn't know she worked there :) 

After work, I took a long refreshing nap at home :) Went to watch a 47 Ronin with my brother and cousins. The movie was alright. Afterward, we ate at coffee square in Sb. All the food was so salty !

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