Monday, January 6, 2014


Today seems to be half-ish productive. I've set goals to do today and I accomplish them :) Yaay ! To start the day off, I took daddy to work then head to Centrelink to give them a document that they needed from my parents. The waiting for Centrelink took forever :( At least there was air-con there ! 

Afterward, I drove to DFO and did some shopping by myself. Made some good purchase then headed home to sleep in the air-con ! Took a quick nap before I cleaned my room and set more goals for tomorrow ! My uncle came over during the night to borrow my printer to print a few stuff for his store since his printer at home died out on him :( 

Woo ! Work tomorrow ! I am not looking forward to working in this heat but all I've to do is think about the Ca-ching ! $MONEEEY$

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