Friday, January 3, 2014

Red Candle

Work was soo hot today ! I was like burning just sitting inside with a fan... :( Vincent and Pumba came by to chill for awhile. It was pretty boring since no one came in cause of this stupid heat :( Hopefully tomorrow will be better but I have heard that it would be hotter than today :O What to do? 

After work, my aunty popped by and when she was about to leave, her car wouldn't start up so I had to use my car to jump start it but, the battery in her car died :( RIP ! My uncle went to go get a new battery while I drove my family to church. 

After church, I went over to my cousins place to chill and try to fix my hard drive but nope ! I failed :( Needed to buy this software for $90 and Lammie said no to that so all my anime now are gone for real -cries- oh well. 

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