Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rocklea Tet Festival

24/01/2013 - Friday

Work was pretty chill today. Afterward, I drove to the Tet Festival at Rocklea and omg, $10 for parking done right there ! Hanged with "The Group" and helped out Compassion Vietnam for abit. We mainly stayed at Bingo and lost but Mande won the first game :) I wanted that fan ! The Tawanise pancake there was really nice and cheap ! This year Tet was small and dark since there wasn't much light around the area. Luckily it didn't rain this year :) Stayed there until 12ish since I gotta drive my mummy home and she was helping out with one of the stores. 

25/01/2014 - Saturday

went to the Tet Festival today since I gotta take my cousins there. I was going to help out Compassion Vietnam but I bumped into Nam and Anothny (Cousins) and we chilled together. Thang, Tam, Lien, Trung and his gf also chilled with us. We tried to hook Anthony with this girl but failed :L Well, next time there shall be no faluire. 

26/01/2014 - Sunday

Celebrated Straya day at TP's house this year with "The group" (This group doesn't really have a name :L I shall call it "The group" for now) We tried to make a seafood bbq but we only had enough money for oysters. Some good foodies made by our chief, Randy Nguyen ! He's gonna be famous sooon.... SOOON aka Never! I felt like trolling again and since Tony parked his car on the wrong side of the road, I gave him a parking ticket and place it on his car :L Also put tickets on Ronnie's car since his car was so black and ugly :L Came inside and scared them saying they have parking tickets :L Later on, I decided to became a ninja again and managed to steal Tony's and Ronnie's car keys and moved their car away since they didn't pay for their parking fines :L 

Should had seen their reaction when their car was missing :L We went to the park down the road to play some volley ball. Bump into Mark (From tafe) since he just moved to the area. Haven't seen him eversince Tafe. Gotta catch up with him sometime soon. I went home early to go to church. Afterward, I went over to Kevin's Le for poker night but they moved it to Hoc's place since 2dn is having a drink up there. Was gonna head over there until Randy called me and told me to drive him to Sunnybank with Ronnie to have some small dinner.

We got there and chilled there for like 3 hours before we had to pick Mande up from work. Ate so much dessert and it was a fun night chilling with Randy and Ronnie. Those guys are like a couple that would never break up :L 

27/01/2014 - Monday

Today was a day where my brother, daddy and Myself cleaned the house and our room for Tet. That was what we did pretty much today. Also watched anime for abit. Watched half of Frozen last night :)

28/01/2014 - Tuesday

Today wasn't that productive :( Inala parking was so insane today ! It was like, a busy Thursday late night shopping ! There was no where to park so I just park on a street far away from the shops.

Went to get my teeth checked at the Inala Health care Centre and they send me to go get an X-Ray. Turns out, I need surgery for my wisdom teeth so Logan Hospital are going to contact me sometime soon :(

Finished watching Frozen today whilst doing chores for mummy. There was so much singing in it but it's a good movie :) Took a quick nap after until Mum woke my brother and I up to go pick my dad up. I didn't know my brother was going so I went to pick him up until we both bump into each other at Inala zzzz Only one of us had to go LOL

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