Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sub Cccasum Solis

Spent my day at work today and it was kinda productive. Studied abit of my PT until I got bored and started to play games on the iPad. At least I managed to study abit :) After work, I rushed to the gym to workout for abit before I headed to the lake (Forest Lake) for a jog with Nam and Khang. 

The sunset was beautiful ! It has been ages since I've gone for joggings so I decided to make today a warm up session to get ready for the intense weeks of jogging. I ran one whole lap and abit without stopping and I knew I could had gone futher but I didn't want to make the other wait for me so I stopped and turned back to the car. 

We did some shopping at woolies before we headed back to mine to chill. Before I dropped them home, we took a visit to Trung Tam (Viet Church) since Nam's gf was jogging/walking there with some others. We even went for another run :L 

Another day at work tomorrow, another dollar ! 

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