Friday, September 19, 2014

Better Not Said

Don't cry because it's over, Smile cause it happened. 
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Had a really tiring day at Uni today since I spent my whole day there finishing all an assignment and handing it in. later on at night, I need a Lua Thieng (Fire group) meeting at my place for the upcoming Thieu Nhi camp. The meeting was actually quite fun since we talked about what happened in the past :L

Afterward, I had a short skype meeting with TD to plan our lesson that we will be teaching the kids at camp. I then headed over to Mande's place to have Games night with the group. We haven't had one in so long. This time, we tried out a new game. Cards Vs Humanity. There were some funny shit there but sometimes, it was kinda boring. But I only reckon you guys playing this if you're 18+ :L 

We then had a round of Werewolves before I left and went home. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I don't do Drugs, I am Drugs.
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Today, I went to Inala to find a parking to go to uni and I couldn't find a single spot at all :( So I decided to go to Randy's to park there and it turns out, I missed a couple of bus so I have already missed out on my lecture. So, I chilled at Randy for awhile before heading up to Uni for my group assessment. It turns out that most of the members couldn't come so I ended up staying back at Randy's. 

We decided to go shopping to get my cousin his birthday gift. Thu tagged along with us. Indro again ! Yaay not yaay ! We spent quite a long time window shopping there. I was planning to get dumbbells for my cousin but they ran out of stock at Indooroopilly Kmart so we stooped by Mt Om Kmart to get them. 

My assignment is due tomororw and I have done 3/4 of it :( I am too tired to stay up and do the rest :( and it's pretty hard T_T Someone do it for me ! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Study Hard, Party Hard.
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Work went by really fast today since there wasn't much customer so I was on my iPad all day reading manga :) I didn't really do much tonight. Drove to Bunnings to get a spotlight for Thieu Nhi Camp and it took me awhile to decided on which one is better and cheaper. 

While on the way home, I decided to go for a car wash since Alexia has been so dirty. She's one dirty girl ! And most of the photos from the weekend are up on facebook tonight. I will leave some of the photos here so my Future me can remember the fun times I had when I was younger. 

Thang's 21st & Ronnie's 20th !

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Corinda What!?

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

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13-09-2014 - Saturday

During work today, Anthony came out to chill with me since he's coming to mine after work. We chilled at mine for awhile before we headed over to Mymy's place to celebrate her 23rd surprise birthday with her. When she came home, she was so surpised that she even cried :L we were there only for awhile since we all had to go to Thang's 21st Birthday in the Valley at GPO.

When we got there, we were so hungry since we didn't eat much at Mymy's. I had quite alot of drink until the bar tab ran out :( It ran out so fast ! We completely smashed it :) Took quite alot of photo since there was a photo-booth there. After the party, a couple of us headed to the clubs at Lust. When we first got there, the song that were being played was really hard to dance to so it wasn't that fun. We then went out at like 1:30ish to have dinner at maccas. After filling our tummy with food, we went back into the club and dance alot more ! It was better songs this time :)

While on the way home via Taxi, our taxi driver almost drove over this guy who were laying down on the road in the middle of lavender street unconscious. I told the driver to turn around to check the guy out but he didn't want to zzz. What a bad driver ! So I told him to take me home so I could call the ambulance to come and grab the dude of the road before someone else come and accidentally ran over him. After calling the ambulance, Kien and I ran over to the dude but when we got there, the ambulance just arrived and helped him up and took him to somewhere. Probably to the hospital or his home.

It was so scary how he was just laying there on the road. It seems like he was dead. I managed to save a life tonight :) Yaay !

14-09-2014 - Sunday

Woke up feeling quite tired and didn't want to get out of bed. I remember I had to go pick up Anthony from Nam's place since he was sleeping over there. I got ready for Thieu Nhi and went to teach as usual. I taught my kids Mat Thu (decoded message) today :) I was actually surprised when they understood what I was teaching since this was quite a hard topic for them.

After teaching them, a couple of Ht's and Dt's went over to my uncle place to play Foosball but this time, it wasn't on the table but a real life Foosball where we are the players kicking the ball. My uncle actually made a human version one :L

After exhausting ourselves, we chilled for abit and play Table Tenis and had Kbbq at my uncle place. All of this wasn't even planned :L It turns out to be a good fun day :) We had another game of Foosball and this time, it was youngies versus the oldies. We defeated them by one point :) yaay ! 9-10 ! Gooo Youngies !

At night, we celebrate Ronnie's 20th Birthday and the theme was school uniform. Everyone wore their school uniform and it took all of our back into the memory lane. I miss school so much now ! I can't believe that most of us still fit in our uniform :L There were alot of drinks and we also played Beer Pong ! Drink drink drink dance dance dance !

15-09-2014 - Monday

I didn't do much today. Pretty rest since I was partying hard for the last two nights. Alot of my online shopping item came today :) yaay ! And my tea came :) Yaay ! My Mantea ! I can't wait to try it and see the outcome it has on my body :)

One of the priest came over to ask me to fix his laptop. I managed to fix it but it took me awhile.

16-09-2014 - Tuesday
Did abit of study today which is good but I'm still slacking off alot :( I am going to head to bed early tonight to catch up on sleep that I have missed out. Hopefully I can sleep early in bed instead of laying around until 2pm. 

Friday, September 12, 2014


Your life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change

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It was a tiring day at uni once again. I had a whole day of tutorials and at the start, I was full of energy but towards the end of the day, I started to die out and only copy down notes without even thinking much. My brain was on autopilot just like the Adam Sandler in the movie "Click". 

After my last tute, I had a group meeting with a couple of guys and girl. We only planned out what we need to do in the upcoming weeks and delicate jobs to each other to do. It was a good meeting :) We really needed it. 

Afterward, I walked with Craig over to Southbank Bus station to catch the bus home. This bus actually got home pretty fast in peak hour :) I didn't really do much tonight, had a few games of LoL which I should stop soon or else I will go back to my evil bad side of being an addict again. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bat Wayne

it's not who i am underneath, but what I do that defines me. - Bruce Wayne

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I woke up late today so I decided to skip my early morning lecture and ended up going up for my afternoon tute. After I finished Uni, I met up with Hoa and Kristy to go shopping for Thang's Birthday present. We managed to get him something expensive. There goes my money now but then agian, it's his 21st so why not go all out :L 

Had a snack with Hoa at this Japanese place and it wasn't that great. The rice was like smashed potato rice which was really soggy. I came home to have dinner with my fambam. Afterward, I picked up Randy and we went to Trade's secret to get Ronnie his birthday present. So many birthday = no more money for mee :`(

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hulk Banner

That is my secret Captain, I'm always angry. - Bruce Banner

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Work today went by quite fast cause I spent all day long reading manga again :L Mande came out to visit me for abit and later on during the afternoon, Thu came out to chill for awhile too. I didn't really do much tonight. Managed to do half of a quiz which isn't due until Sunday :) I am having troubles with the other questions so I will have to ask for help from one of my uni friends. 

I'm planning to get back into tea sometime soon and also aimming to get my 8+ hours of sleep now. Gotta be healthy and fit again. And to stop being a little chubby lazy Lammie. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Iron Stark

Iron Man, That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it. I mean it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold titanium alloy, but it's kind of provocative the imagery anyway. - Tony Stark

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I didn't really do much today either. Had a few games of LoL and omg, I kept losing :( I am going to quit LoL sometime soon now. It's destroying too much of my time and time is money right guys? I went to watch Galexy of the Guardians with Randy tonight since everyone said it was amazing but to me, it wasn't that great :/ Just a normal okay movie to me. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Spider Parker

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
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6-09-2014 - Saturday

Work was pretty boring, all I did was read manga most of the time and served customers. At night tonight, Moonfest was celebrated at Freeman Road and I had to perfrom two dances up there. The first dance I perform was the hip hop and I stuffed up abit up there and it was so awkward dancing this time cause normally, you would hear people cheering but barely anyone cheer for us when we danced on this stage. 

After the first dance, we had some time before our Traditional dance so I went for a walk around the place and it was pretty small, there wasn't much food stores either :( The second performance was longer but my Vietnamese straw hat string broke off during the dance and I didn't know what to do :( so I chucked it down :L 

After finishing dancing, I chilled at the place for abit before I headed to late Yum Cha dinner at the manor with Thu, Vi and Joseph. We ate soo much ! Good feed after dancing :)

7-09-2014 - Sunday

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers around the world ! I woke up really early and headed to the cemetery with my family so my mummy can visit her father out there. I came home and went straight to Thieu Nhi. I taught my kids the Tet Trung Thu song with Linda and Chi Kieu. After teaching, the song was stuck inside my head :(

Since it was father's day, I got my little kids go and make a father's day card and we helped them out alot. I mainly made alot of Origami boats for them cause most of their fathers love fishing :) I love seeing little kids having fun ! It makes me smile and reminds me of my childhood :)

After Thieu Nhi finish, I headed out to Oxley Tavern to try their $10 lunch special steak and it was alright for the price :) When we finished, Hoa, Td and I went for a quick look at Chemist Warehouse before heading back to Trung Tam with Ban Ky Thuat to hang up all the lantern around the church. 

It took us ages to hang them up but it was pretty :) Yaay ! Good work team ! Came home for a quick five minutes showers before heading back to the church to put the candles inside the lanterns. I had alot of help from most of the kids that came early for mass :) 

After mass, We, Thieu Nhi hanged out gift bags to all the kids in the community :) They love the toys that they got :) And lollies too ! While we were hanging them out, Td and I saw that it was raining so we rushed outside to get all the lanterns down. We were getting wet but we managed to get most of the lanterns down :)

I went to have dinner with my family and my Brother's girlfriend at Little Hong Kong to celebrate Father's day with my daddy ! He spilled a cup of water over me by accident :( I got wet twice today. 

8-09-2014 - Monday

I pretty much stayed home all day and slept in until 11am today :) yaaay ! Finally get to sleep in and catch up on sleep. Went out to Inala for awhile to pick up my dad and while I was there, I bumped Andy who was waiting for Kevin to come. Also bumped into Jason and drove him home along with my dad. 

I reformatted my brother's computer tonight since he has been asking me to do so and right after I finished, Huy called me to tell me to come over and reformat his computer :( I really hate reformatting computers now ! 

Friday, September 5, 2014


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.

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Uni was really boring today and I died. I hate being a loner ! After Uni, I went to Tony's Fish & Chip store in Salisbury to have lunch. Ronnie was working with Tony today and Mande was also there for lunch. Chilled with them for awhile before I headed back home to rest for the meeting tonight. 

It was held at my house and it went on for like two hours. After it finished, BQT and Souer had another meeting but I left half way in it to go the dance practice that I was late to. Time to perform tomorrow and my legs are so sore ! I don't know if I can even dance properly ! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Green Scott

Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart.

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Spent most of my day finalizing  out Thieu Nhi money. I destroyed my legs at the gym today which was good but then, the soreness is so painful ! In the arvo, I went to Dfo to do some window shopping then stopped by Trade's Secret and Jb-Hi at Oxley and managed to get a polo shirt there. 

I came home and cleaned up one of my draw from my drawers before headed to Dance practice again. I really dont

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Super Kent

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

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Work went by quite fast today. During work, I went to get a haircut from Co Trang :) I read up to the latest in UQ holder and it's a pretty good manga atm. Tonight, I went over to Trung Tam with the Thieu Nhi family to sort out the lollies and toys and put them into 350 gift bags so we can hang them out to all the kids on Sunday Night. I stayed back after we were done and have some hip hop dance practice. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Break Free

Being both soft and Strong is a combination very few have mastered.
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We had a second trip to Dreamworld today ! It was so empty this time ! The longest line up probably took like ten minutes and most of the other rides didn't have any line :) Out of the Dream Team, only four of us went. Hoa was the driveer again while Kristy, Randy and I were the one who tagged along. 

We were only there for like three hours until we headed back to Hoa's new house to check it out. Came home and fell asleep for like 20 mins :( Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. Later on during the night, I had dance practice and it was okay-ish. After practice, I took Vivian and Van to maccas to chill for awhile before we headed home. 

Did some cleaning tonight which was pretty good ! Alot more to do though but I will slowly clean out everything and sort everything into my draws. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
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29-08-2014 - Friday

it's going to be a long and busy weekend for me this week. I had a long and boring day at Uni today. After Uni, we had an important mass today so all of Thieu Nhi had to wear the uniform. We had seats that were allocated for us but I had to stand up thought the whole mass and work as a backstage since I gave my seat up for some kids that came late. We had a couple of jobs do to while mass was going on. 

After mass, I had dinner with the bishop and priests and the important people in the community. They sang Karaoke all night until I got a called from Tham to go over to her place for some more Vietnamese karaoke. I even sang a song this time but I did so bad so I gave up. 

30-08-2014 - Saturday

Work was the same as always. My whole family had a dinner/party at my uncle's house for my grandma's 10th year death anniversary at night. While we were waiting for other family members to arrives, we had a mini-boxing session which was quite tiring. 

My aunty and cousin from Canberra also came up for our grandma's. There was sooo much food for dinner since each family have to bring a plate of food. It was like home-made food fantasy ! There was Kbbq, Sushi, oysters, chickens and some other plates that I didn't eat out of. While eating, we had alot of talk about the past and omg, those memories are precious !

Came home to making my bed in my old small room since my aunty and cousin slept in my room. It has been so long since I slept in a single sized bed. Felt alot different since I wasn't able to move around alot while sleeping. Oh and my grow in the dark stars are still in my old room from since I was in primary school :L 

31-08-2014 - Sunday

Mum woke me up five minutes before church and forced me to go :( I was so tired and yawned so much during mass. After mass, I had Thieu Nhi and it was the same same. My teaching skills are improving alot now :) or maybe the kids respect me more now. Except for the two rebels in class :( It's so hard to control them ! I had church again during Thieu Nhi and afterward, I went straight home to cram my quiz which is due tonight. 

Did most of it and headed over to Kristy's place to do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge with her and Joseph. We got a couple of helpers to help us :) Thank you Linda, Vincent, Paul and Randy. It was a pretty easy challenge. I need something harder ! After getting ourselves wet, I finished off our quiz before most of us headed to Tony's Seafood store for some fish and chips. 

Denis was working there with Tony today and Hoa also came for some fish and chips :) Chilled and had fun there for awhile before we headed home. Came home and it was quite busy since everyone was over at mine since it was a meeting spot for the adults and kids. So what happens was that the kids (All the cousins) organised a night out and the adult got jealous and also had a night out too and they all met up at mine.

The kids went out to Westend and we had dinner at the Archive which was quite nice but it was noisy and dark since it was a pub. After filling our tummy, we needed desserts so we headed to Freestyle Tout. The dessert there was nicee :) Had a few funny moments there since we were hiding from one of the youngest kid and he got kinda scared :L I came back to mine and Thu and Tai stayed back to hang out for awhile. 

1-09-2014 - Monday
Happy Spring everyone ! I have a few new goals I am aiming to achieve this season. 
These goals are

  • Become fit (Need to be back to my old fit self)
  • Eat more healthier ! 
  • Focus on studies more
  • Become a better teacher
  • Become more organised

I didn't really do much today. Did some study in the morning and abit of cleaning up. Also, I got my room back ! Yaaay ! I went to Ikea again today with Hoa to help him get a desk. It took us some effort to fit it into his car but we managed since we are Tetris masters. 

I didn't do much tonight, just updating myself on information I have missed out during the weekend.