Monday, September 1, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
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29-08-2014 - Friday

it's going to be a long and busy weekend for me this week. I had a long and boring day at Uni today. After Uni, we had an important mass today so all of Thieu Nhi had to wear the uniform. We had seats that were allocated for us but I had to stand up thought the whole mass and work as a backstage since I gave my seat up for some kids that came late. We had a couple of jobs do to while mass was going on. 

After mass, I had dinner with the bishop and priests and the important people in the community. They sang Karaoke all night until I got a called from Tham to go over to her place for some more Vietnamese karaoke. I even sang a song this time but I did so bad so I gave up. 

30-08-2014 - Saturday

Work was the same as always. My whole family had a dinner/party at my uncle's house for my grandma's 10th year death anniversary at night. While we were waiting for other family members to arrives, we had a mini-boxing session which was quite tiring. 

My aunty and cousin from Canberra also came up for our grandma's. There was sooo much food for dinner since each family have to bring a plate of food. It was like home-made food fantasy ! There was Kbbq, Sushi, oysters, chickens and some other plates that I didn't eat out of. While eating, we had alot of talk about the past and omg, those memories are precious !

Came home to making my bed in my old small room since my aunty and cousin slept in my room. It has been so long since I slept in a single sized bed. Felt alot different since I wasn't able to move around alot while sleeping. Oh and my grow in the dark stars are still in my old room from since I was in primary school :L 

31-08-2014 - Sunday

Mum woke me up five minutes before church and forced me to go :( I was so tired and yawned so much during mass. After mass, I had Thieu Nhi and it was the same same. My teaching skills are improving alot now :) or maybe the kids respect me more now. Except for the two rebels in class :( It's so hard to control them ! I had church again during Thieu Nhi and afterward, I went straight home to cram my quiz which is due tonight. 

Did most of it and headed over to Kristy's place to do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge with her and Joseph. We got a couple of helpers to help us :) Thank you Linda, Vincent, Paul and Randy. It was a pretty easy challenge. I need something harder ! After getting ourselves wet, I finished off our quiz before most of us headed to Tony's Seafood store for some fish and chips. 

Denis was working there with Tony today and Hoa also came for some fish and chips :) Chilled and had fun there for awhile before we headed home. Came home and it was quite busy since everyone was over at mine since it was a meeting spot for the adults and kids. So what happens was that the kids (All the cousins) organised a night out and the adult got jealous and also had a night out too and they all met up at mine.

The kids went out to Westend and we had dinner at the Archive which was quite nice but it was noisy and dark since it was a pub. After filling our tummy, we needed desserts so we headed to Freestyle Tout. The dessert there was nicee :) Had a few funny moments there since we were hiding from one of the youngest kid and he got kinda scared :L I came back to mine and Thu and Tai stayed back to hang out for awhile. 

1-09-2014 - Monday
Happy Spring everyone ! I have a few new goals I am aiming to achieve this season. 
These goals are

  • Become fit (Need to be back to my old fit self)
  • Eat more healthier ! 
  • Focus on studies more
  • Become a better teacher
  • Become more organised

I didn't really do much today. Did some study in the morning and abit of cleaning up. Also, I got my room back ! Yaaay ! I went to Ikea again today with Hoa to help him get a desk. It took us some effort to fit it into his car but we managed since we are Tetris masters. 

I didn't do much tonight, just updating myself on information I have missed out during the weekend. 

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