Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Break Free

Being both soft and Strong is a combination very few have mastered.
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We had a second trip to Dreamworld today ! It was so empty this time ! The longest line up probably took like ten minutes and most of the other rides didn't have any line :) Out of the Dream Team, only four of us went. Hoa was the driveer again while Kristy, Randy and I were the one who tagged along. 

We were only there for like three hours until we headed back to Hoa's new house to check it out. Came home and fell asleep for like 20 mins :( Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. Later on during the night, I had dance practice and it was okay-ish. After practice, I took Vivian and Van to maccas to chill for awhile before we headed home. 

Did some cleaning tonight which was pretty good ! Alot more to do though but I will slowly clean out everything and sort everything into my draws. 

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