Thursday, September 18, 2014


I don't do Drugs, I am Drugs.
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Today, I went to Inala to find a parking to go to uni and I couldn't find a single spot at all :( So I decided to go to Randy's to park there and it turns out, I missed a couple of bus so I have already missed out on my lecture. So, I chilled at Randy for awhile before heading up to Uni for my group assessment. It turns out that most of the members couldn't come so I ended up staying back at Randy's. 

We decided to go shopping to get my cousin his birthday gift. Thu tagged along with us. Indro again ! Yaay not yaay ! We spent quite a long time window shopping there. I was planning to get dumbbells for my cousin but they ran out of stock at Indooroopilly Kmart so we stooped by Mt Om Kmart to get them. 

My assignment is due tomororw and I have done 3/4 of it :( I am too tired to stay up and do the rest :( and it's pretty hard T_T Someone do it for me ! 

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