Monday, September 8, 2014

Spider Parker

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
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6-09-2014 - Saturday

Work was pretty boring, all I did was read manga most of the time and served customers. At night tonight, Moonfest was celebrated at Freeman Road and I had to perfrom two dances up there. The first dance I perform was the hip hop and I stuffed up abit up there and it was so awkward dancing this time cause normally, you would hear people cheering but barely anyone cheer for us when we danced on this stage. 

After the first dance, we had some time before our Traditional dance so I went for a walk around the place and it was pretty small, there wasn't much food stores either :( The second performance was longer but my Vietnamese straw hat string broke off during the dance and I didn't know what to do :( so I chucked it down :L 

After finishing dancing, I chilled at the place for abit before I headed to late Yum Cha dinner at the manor with Thu, Vi and Joseph. We ate soo much ! Good feed after dancing :)

7-09-2014 - Sunday

Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers around the world ! I woke up really early and headed to the cemetery with my family so my mummy can visit her father out there. I came home and went straight to Thieu Nhi. I taught my kids the Tet Trung Thu song with Linda and Chi Kieu. After teaching, the song was stuck inside my head :(

Since it was father's day, I got my little kids go and make a father's day card and we helped them out alot. I mainly made alot of Origami boats for them cause most of their fathers love fishing :) I love seeing little kids having fun ! It makes me smile and reminds me of my childhood :)

After Thieu Nhi finish, I headed out to Oxley Tavern to try their $10 lunch special steak and it was alright for the price :) When we finished, Hoa, Td and I went for a quick look at Chemist Warehouse before heading back to Trung Tam with Ban Ky Thuat to hang up all the lantern around the church. 

It took us ages to hang them up but it was pretty :) Yaay ! Good work team ! Came home for a quick five minutes showers before heading back to the church to put the candles inside the lanterns. I had alot of help from most of the kids that came early for mass :) 

After mass, We, Thieu Nhi hanged out gift bags to all the kids in the community :) They love the toys that they got :) And lollies too ! While we were hanging them out, Td and I saw that it was raining so we rushed outside to get all the lanterns down. We were getting wet but we managed to get most of the lanterns down :)

I went to have dinner with my family and my Brother's girlfriend at Little Hong Kong to celebrate Father's day with my daddy ! He spilled a cup of water over me by accident :( I got wet twice today. 

8-09-2014 - Monday

I pretty much stayed home all day and slept in until 11am today :) yaaay ! Finally get to sleep in and catch up on sleep. Went out to Inala for awhile to pick up my dad and while I was there, I bumped Andy who was waiting for Kevin to come. Also bumped into Jason and drove him home along with my dad. 

I reformatted my brother's computer tonight since he has been asking me to do so and right after I finished, Huy called me to tell me to come over and reformat his computer :( I really hate reformatting computers now ! 

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