Friday, September 12, 2014


Your life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change

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It was a tiring day at uni once again. I had a whole day of tutorials and at the start, I was full of energy but towards the end of the day, I started to die out and only copy down notes without even thinking much. My brain was on autopilot just like the Adam Sandler in the movie "Click". 

After my last tute, I had a group meeting with a couple of guys and girl. We only planned out what we need to do in the upcoming weeks and delicate jobs to each other to do. It was a good meeting :) We really needed it. 

Afterward, I walked with Craig over to Southbank Bus station to catch the bus home. This bus actually got home pretty fast in peak hour :) I didn't really do much tonight, had a few games of LoL which I should stop soon or else I will go back to my evil bad side of being an addict again. 

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