Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bat Wayne

it's not who i am underneath, but what I do that defines me. - Bruce Wayne

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I woke up late today so I decided to skip my early morning lecture and ended up going up for my afternoon tute. After I finished Uni, I met up with Hoa and Kristy to go shopping for Thang's Birthday present. We managed to get him something expensive. There goes my money now but then agian, it's his 21st so why not go all out :L 

Had a snack with Hoa at this Japanese place and it wasn't that great. The rice was like smashed potato rice which was really soggy. I came home to have dinner with my fambam. Afterward, I picked up Randy and we went to Trade's secret to get Ronnie his birthday present. So many birthday = no more money for mee :`(

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