Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Corinda What!?

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

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13-09-2014 - Saturday

During work today, Anthony came out to chill with me since he's coming to mine after work. We chilled at mine for awhile before we headed over to Mymy's place to celebrate her 23rd surprise birthday with her. When she came home, she was so surpised that she even cried :L we were there only for awhile since we all had to go to Thang's 21st Birthday in the Valley at GPO.

When we got there, we were so hungry since we didn't eat much at Mymy's. I had quite alot of drink until the bar tab ran out :( It ran out so fast ! We completely smashed it :) Took quite alot of photo since there was a photo-booth there. After the party, a couple of us headed to the clubs at Lust. When we first got there, the song that were being played was really hard to dance to so it wasn't that fun. We then went out at like 1:30ish to have dinner at maccas. After filling our tummy with food, we went back into the club and dance alot more ! It was better songs this time :)

While on the way home via Taxi, our taxi driver almost drove over this guy who were laying down on the road in the middle of lavender street unconscious. I told the driver to turn around to check the guy out but he didn't want to zzz. What a bad driver ! So I told him to take me home so I could call the ambulance to come and grab the dude of the road before someone else come and accidentally ran over him. After calling the ambulance, Kien and I ran over to the dude but when we got there, the ambulance just arrived and helped him up and took him to somewhere. Probably to the hospital or his home.

It was so scary how he was just laying there on the road. It seems like he was dead. I managed to save a life tonight :) Yaay !

14-09-2014 - Sunday

Woke up feeling quite tired and didn't want to get out of bed. I remember I had to go pick up Anthony from Nam's place since he was sleeping over there. I got ready for Thieu Nhi and went to teach as usual. I taught my kids Mat Thu (decoded message) today :) I was actually surprised when they understood what I was teaching since this was quite a hard topic for them.

After teaching them, a couple of Ht's and Dt's went over to my uncle place to play Foosball but this time, it wasn't on the table but a real life Foosball where we are the players kicking the ball. My uncle actually made a human version one :L

After exhausting ourselves, we chilled for abit and play Table Tenis and had Kbbq at my uncle place. All of this wasn't even planned :L It turns out to be a good fun day :) We had another game of Foosball and this time, it was youngies versus the oldies. We defeated them by one point :) yaay ! 9-10 ! Gooo Youngies !

At night, we celebrate Ronnie's 20th Birthday and the theme was school uniform. Everyone wore their school uniform and it took all of our back into the memory lane. I miss school so much now ! I can't believe that most of us still fit in our uniform :L There were alot of drinks and we also played Beer Pong ! Drink drink drink dance dance dance !

15-09-2014 - Monday

I didn't do much today. Pretty rest since I was partying hard for the last two nights. Alot of my online shopping item came today :) yaay ! And my tea came :) Yaay ! My Mantea ! I can't wait to try it and see the outcome it has on my body :)

One of the priest came over to ask me to fix his laptop. I managed to fix it but it took me awhile.

16-09-2014 - Tuesday
Did abit of study today which is good but I'm still slacking off alot :( I am going to head to bed early tonight to catch up on sleep that I have missed out. Hopefully I can sleep early in bed instead of laying around until 2pm. 

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