Friday, August 30, 2013

We Go Down

It was a normal day at work today. Nothing much happened. After work, I quickly got ready for church. There was a small dinner thingo at church afterward so I stayed back to chill and eat. We ended up playing hide n seek since we were bored. 

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend ! 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bubble Burps

Went to the doctor today to check up on my wrist. I was sent to go get an X-Ray at the Queensland Diagnostic Imaging. After I got it, I rushed back to the doctors but I was told to come back after lunch. Headed home and had lunch then went out again. He told me to use my right hand for like 4 weeks :( 

Came home and did chores before I took a quick nap. Worked on abit of my PT and tafe assignments before playing games and watching anime. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Go It Alone

24/08/2013 - Saturday

Went to watch Kickass with Hannah, Mande, Ronnie, Randy and Anthony at Indropilly after work. I liked the movie, it was funny at times and the action was quite good :) 

Afterward, I went to go get Pizza at Richlands then headed to Anthony place to eat with the rest. We ate and talked for like hours. Played abit of Yugioh and then thirteen. The loser had to eat a slice of lemon. I love lemon so it was normal for me but for others, it was pain for them :L

25/08/2013 - Sunday

After youth, most of the Thieu Nhi people headed over to Ai-van's to celebarte her 21st Birthday. I helped out with the cooking the bbq while the rest just chilled. We ate then half of us went to play Tekken while the other half played board games. Afterward, we pretty much chill there until the actual party at night start. 

Td, Hoa and I went to the gym for awhile before we headed back there. Ate, chilled, had some catch up's with some of my cousins. Some of us then played Hide n Seek. For one of the game, I used a ladder and climbed onto of the roof LOL. Chilled up there for awhile until it was boring so I went down and hid somewhere else. We played around her whole house and it's massive ! 

Thank god I was wearing a black jumper so I just hid in a corner and so many people walked past me LOL. I was pretty much at the party for like 12 hours :L HAPPY 21st Birthday Ai-vaaaan ! 

26/08/2013 - Monday
Leon picked me up for tafe. Before tafe, we headed to subway at Inala to get our-self some munchies. We ate only half of our foot long and saved the other half for tafe. Tafe was alright, we stayed for the whole day :)

27/08/2013 - Tuesday

Nothing much happened today, just an ordinarily day at tafe.

28/08/2013 - Wednesday

Haha my teacher is so funny, he got so angry that he said to us that "we think he was a dickhead and think that he is stupid" nek minnut, he breaks something and he then called himself a dickhead :L :L But other than that, tafe was alright today :) There is so much assessment that I gotta do in two weeks time :( Time is slowly killing meee !

Friday, August 23, 2013


It was really windy and cold at work today and I rocked up in shorts and just a tee while everyone else was wearing pants and jumpers :L I didn't really do much tonight, was meant to study but didn't do anything LOL. Helped daddy fixed the garage abit but we only fixed it temporary though. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hold On, We're Going Home

17/08/13 - Saturday
I am starting to hate work but I also love money at the same time ! later at night, I went and pick up Mande and Hannah and met up Anthony, Randy and Ronnie at Sunnybank to go watch Now you see me. When we got there, only a few seats was left and the seating was crappy so we ended up getting the 9:20 session instead of the 6:40 sesh. Which means, we had like 3 hours to kill time :(

We walked around and was about to walk to Market Square until it rained abit so we ended up eating at Cafe Me. After eating, we played some funhouse and then, Dessert ! Berry Meeee ! Met Linda there :) Hii Mummy ! After Berry me, We went back and just chilled around Sunnybank. The movie started and it wasn't as good as I expected :( My expectation are so high LOL. Most of the stuff was predictable but it was still a good movie. 

18/08/13 - Sunday
Youth was okay, Just teaching the kids as usual. For the second lesson, My kids challenge my brother's kids in a game. Obviosuly, my kids was younger but we were stronger and had better team work ! We won ! We won in both games too ! If it wasn't game then I think we would have loss in theory LOL

After youth, A few of us went to Indro Chemist Warehouse to buy perfume for Tham's Birthday. We ate at the shopping center then Hoa, Td, Anthony and I went back to mine and took a nap :L We were soooo tired ! After we woke up, we got ready to head to Tham's 20th Birthday Party. 

Happy Birthday Thaaam ~! So many people wants me to drink but since I promise Mymy I wouldn't drink until she comes back. I didn't drink any bit :) We were just teasing and had many laughs at the party. Such a chilled party :) Tham wouldn't let any of us leave :( She was so drunk :L 

19/08/13 - Monday
Skipped half of tafe since the morning part was full of assignments and I felt so tired ! Took a long nap at home before tafe. We didn't do much there. Just some boring prac. 

20/08/13 - Tuesday
Good old crappy day at Tafe :( Nothing much happened on Tuesday.

21/08/13 - Wednesday
Drove Leon to tafe since he sprained up his ankle :( We got there thinking that we would do prac and work but the teacher just told us to do our assignment and left the classroom and didn't come back at all.... ehhh, Should had stayed home. Dropped Leon home and I headed to Brown Plains to meet up with Anthony. We were going to join up at Anytime Fitness there but you had to be 18 years of age or older :( We then checked out GO Heath and HOLY CRAAP ! It's so goood ! Everything was big and Dammn ! My gym when I am rich :L It was really exxy though :(  $80 a month...

Drove him home and home I went ! 

22/08/13 - Thursday
Took Kevin Le to DFO at Jindalee to get his phone back from there. While we were there, we bumped into Jack and Matt Dwyer. We were following them for awhile until it looks like they were leaving so we said, Hi to them. I haven't seen Matt in so long ! It was nice catching up with him. We walked around the whole store and window shopped since our financial plans says not to buy anything. 

Afterward, Kevin and I went back to Skylark to meet his mum and finish his logbook by getting her signatures. Inala was our next stop, Handed the logbook in then went to get Chicken Curry at the Sushi place. We bumped into David and talked to him for awhile. 

Home we went and I took a quick nap before I went and pick up Thu from school. We went for a jog around the lake. It was a jog/walk ish :L Bumped into John there and walked with him. I picked John up and went to drop my cousin off home then gym we went :) It was good catching up with John :) 

Friday, August 16, 2013


Nothing much happened today. Work then stayed at home during the night. My parents went to a party while my brother went out so I ended up making my own dinner. Eggs and Rice :) 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I already know

So today, Mummy woke me up really early to do errands for her. After I complete all the errands, I spent most of my morning and afternoon helping my daddy friend build his computer and taking photos for him. We drove to Umart to get the stuff then headed home. I told him I wasn't hungry but he still went to Maccas and told me to get whatever I want. I kept saying, I have food at home but he still wants to get me something, So I only get a Chicken and Mayo since it was $2 but then he told me to get more food... :( So I ended up getting a Big Mac. 

We went back to his place and set up the computer, We were missing the Ethernet cable and a few other stuff so I drove out to Harvey Norman and got them and back we went. After taking photos for him, I taught him how to use the computer more. He and his wife was happy :) 

I came home and did some chores while my brother just slept.... zzzz. Also did his chores too since I felt like why not! After the chores, I took a quick nap until it was time to go to church. Came home and we ate a family dinner. I dunno why but I felt like cleaning up all the dishes tonight haha. 

The day I become cool

I spent my public holiday playing LoL with Mande, Randy, Ronnie and Anthony. We played for like 4 hours straight LOL. I took a quick nap afterward as rest then headed over to Hoc's new house to play poker with some of the 2dn boys. It was quite fun ! I won :) haha. It was a pretty relaxing day today.

Hope everyone had fun today ! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Tafe today was alright. We didn't do much. I went home early to fix my car. The left side skirts was falling off so I needed to go get some screws from Bunnings and screw it back on. Met up with Hoa at Supercheap after. We decided to go to city so I dropped off my car at Hannah's and headed there with Hoa. 

While walking around city, we bumped into Myvy, Vinh and Tai. Tai left and so the four of us went and did some clothes shopping for Vinh. We met Cindy and Mylinh for abit. After shopping we headed back to Inala. I drove Myvy home when Hoa dropped us off at Hannah's to get my car.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Already Know

Tafe today was pretty productive for the first half. I spent a good three hours doing assignments :) We went and got Pizza for Lunch since it was cheaper two days :) The other half of tafe was boring since the teacher taught a few of the class and made the rest do their assignments. 

Nothing much happened tonight, Went grocery shopping for mummy since she was lazy to shop tonight :L 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I got woken up by my mummy this morning to go help her friend fix her laptop. Thieu Nhi today was the same same. Afterward, Anthony and I went out to Inala to eat sushi for lunch. Chilled out there and met a few of our family then home we went. We watched a few anime then took a nap before we went to church at night. 

After church, there was food there so we just chilled and ate pretty much. Nothing excited happened today though. Hopefully something fun will appear in my life tomorrow. 

Papa Don't Cry

Work today was okayish, Long and the two little kids came out and chilled with me. I made up some games to kill time and they quite enjoyed it :) Afterwork, I went out with the Mafians group. Hannah and Mande came and picked me up. We then picked up Tony and Ronnie. Since Hannah didn't wanna drive, I drove for her. We got to Sunnybank and didn't know what to eat.

Met Thang and Tam there and said hiiii to them. We ended up eating at Buffet Garden LOL... balls breaking :/ It was seafood night and they had oyster :) It was baked oyster though but still better than having none. Saw Anna's Family there haha. Hannah and I ate heaps of oyster to make up for our money. I ended up telling the waiters that it was Ronnie's Birthday today so they got him a mini cake with a sparkler on it :L

After finishing our food, there was some left over food and so we played the number game to see who has to eat some of the left overs. It was so funny ! Tony lose the most hahaha. After filling our tummies with heaps of food, we were so full but it was time to watch le movie.  PAIN AND GAIN ! Before watching, we met Linh there and also Mr Le :L He talked to us for awhile and it was kinda awkward LOL. 

The movie was funny but it wasn't what you would expected from the trailer. It was based on a true story and they showed you photo of the real life people in it :S Can't believe that happened in life. After the movie, We met Hong and Randy and talked to them for awhile before heading home. 

Friday, August 9, 2013


Work was okay today. Myvy came out and visited me for awhile :) I didn't really do much tonight. Oh, I went back to playing LoL and it was fun :) Played with Ronnie, Randy, Mande and Anthony and we skype :L At first I was too lazy to get my headset from my cardboard so I didn't wanna talk then they heard my dad voice and it turns out, my webcam have a microphone haha. Looks like I won't be needing my headset anymore :)

I went over to my dad's friends to fix his computer and teach him how to use his Samsung Tablet. Did some money counting and organizing the money for Thieu Nhi. I have been postponing cleaning my draws but I will get to it sometime soon ..... hopefully soon lol.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Today was my day off so I try to enjoy myself as much as I can. In the morning, I pretty much rest and relaxed. Just watching anime and movies pretty much. At 3, I went over to Kevin's and Jack and Leon was there. We decided to give our car a wash since it's really dirty. Took all three cars into Kevin's Backyard then started our wash. We washed all three cars together :) It was fun just chilling and working :) 

After washing it, we parked our cars next to each other to take a photoshot of it. While moving the car, Dante came home and was like... what's happening LOLOL It was funny ! Took the shot then we all rushed home to take a shower before heading to Sunnybank to meet up with most of 2dn. 

I picked up Vinh and had a chat with him :) It was good catching up with him ! We got to Sunnybank and waited for everyone. While waiting, we had a few problems and people was coming late and the movie had already started so we cancled the movie and went to eat. Half of the group went to Mos Burger while the other half ate Hungry Jacks. I ate at Mos burgers and had two burgers :) I was really hungry :L

We met back up with everyone then Funhouse it since there was nothing else to do. We just chilled then went home I guess since there was nothing else to do. Haven't hanged with 2dn for awhile and it was fun :)

Photos of the photoshot

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



Tonight, Vincent came over and we re-did the first Personal Trainer exam about Science and Health in Fitness. We managed to pass everything with 100%. After the exam, we decided we could do the second exam of Science and Health in Fitness. It was a fill in the blank exams and dammn ! It was quite hard :( 

It was an online/open book exam but it was still hard :L Took us like three hours to complete it with 100% Spent heaps of time googling though :L After the exam, we both were dead tired and couldn't think anymore haha. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Novem Cauda

Tafe was okay today. When I got there, I did an exam I had no idea that there was an exam :L I managed to pass :) Yaaay ! For lunch, I ate food that I cooked last night but we also went to get Pizza's since it was Cheaper Tuesday :) Went back to Trent's and played CoD again. 

Didn't really do much tonight, watched half of Olympus has fallen which was really good :) I am going to continue to finish watching it tomorrow morning. Yaay ! hi5 to late start tomororw :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

What You Know About Me

Woke up late for tafe today but when I got there, everyone was just doing their assignments. I did half of my assignments while I was there then Leon came. We then decided to skip a lecture and go watch a movie with Hoa and Kiet at Sunnybank. We both drove our car there and met up with Hoa. We chilled and talked until Kiet came. 

We watched "The Wolverine" :) Marvel !! It was pretty good. After watching it, we chilled for awhile and thought of watching another movie :L since we got a free movie ticket when we signed up for Hoyts Membership :) While waiting for another movie to start, we decided to go home and watch the free movie some other time. 

Last night at like midnight, I decided to clean my wardrobe, I only managed to clean half of it since I got kinda tired LOL. Today, I managed to clean my room abit, I gotta clean it more though. Also gotta finish cleaning my wardrobe too ! Spent some time doing my some of my assignments tonight. Also cooked some yummy food for tomorrow lunch at Tafe :) 

It has been a productive day at home :) Gotta be productive everyday ! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Today Mymy went to Koreaaaa ! Byeeee ! Youth today was alright. I Tuyen hepled me teach for the first lesson and it was alright :) During lunch, I played soccer with the little kids then the bigger kids came and we all played :) It was fun ! After youth, Anthony and I went out to Inala to chilled. We met up with the youth people but we didn't eat with them but instead went to eat sushi with Vincent. 

Afterward, we went back to mine to do our PT exams. It was hardish :( Big Tam came over and helped us. We managed to get 23/25 and we failed :( Now we have two attempts left to do it. Afterward, I took my ps3 out and we played Tekken for hours ! I still got my skills but it still isn't good as I was back in my prime days :( 

Saturday, August 3, 2013



02/07/2013 - Friday

Work was okayish. Nothing much happened there besides the fact that 
After work, I went to the gym for abit but I found out I couldn't do much since my right arm is injured :`( After gym, I went to pick up Mande then we headed over to Ant's place for games night but when we got there, no one was home yet. When Ronnie and Anthony came, Anthony checked my arm and gave me an arm massage. Hannah and Randy came then games night started ! 

We played abit of "Once Upon a Time" and it was kinda funnyish but then I had to leave early since Vincent and Vy were at my house waiting for me. Got there and we headed to South Bank to meet up with Pumba, Hoa and Chuong. Got there and the line for Max Brener was massive so we went else where. Vincent and Vy went to eat at Satay Hut while Pumba, Hoa, Chuong and I went to G&G for taco's. 

Met up with the other two and I ate with them. We talked and chilled around for awhile. Went and got icecream at 7/11 then headed home. Chuong drove Pumba, Hoa and myself back to Pumba's place since Hoa's car was there. Hoa couldn't drive his car after 11 since he has a curfew so I drove him home in his car. It was quite easy driving his car :) 

03/07/2013 - Saturday

Work was better than yesterday. Long came out and we just did the same thing. Plant vs Zombies :) I did some PT studying at work and managed to finish lesson 4 of Heath and Science :) Yaaay ! Time to do the exam now. After work, I had dinner with my family then Toan and Hieu came to pick me up. We hit the cas and met up with Elita up there :) It was so fun catching up and talking with her :)

 I only played $5 there and managed to win $30 :) Since we had to be there for an hour for free parking. I just talked to Elita and caught up with her :) It was nice to know what she is doing now. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Yesterday night at like 12, I went out to my car and I accidentlly woke up my parents since the front door always make a loud sound :( Sorry Mummy and Daddy ! They were kinda cranky since they wanted their sleep. :( 

Today has been an alright day :) After driving daddy to work in the morning. I walked over to Kevin's Le since we were going to go get some Protein. I drove his car since I wanted to try out a Honda Accord Euro and it was smooth but I wasn't used to it. It's abit different to my car LOL. The acceleration was different. 

We went to pick Leon up and headed to Zarraffa;s Coffee at Richlands to have a morning dose of coffee. Since I quit Coffee, I had Peach Ice Tea. It was nice and refreshing :) After chilling in the moring, we felt like some Kebabs. It was yummy ! It was bigger than the one at Inala.

We dropped Leon off home then headed to Jindalee for Protein at the Nutrition Warehouse :) Got there and the staffs there was extremely friendly and really helpful :) We signed up for their loyalty membership and got a free shirt :)

After getting our protein, we went around the area and browsing through alot of stores that we didn't know existed. First off was the BBQ store. It was just a huge store with all these Bbq stuff. One of the dude came and talked to us and showed us one of these awesome bbq ! It was awesome ! It doesn't flame up when oil or fats drips on it and it's really easy to clean ! It was so handy and cool ! Something that the boys should chip in and get :) The man that serviced us was George ! Awesome fella ! 

The next door we went in was some furniture store. There was heaps of furniture and bedding's stores around there. We found a place that sells pool tables and sticks. Talked to the boss there and it was an okay chat :) Toys Toy World was the last place we checked. Just walking around browsing at the new toys kid nowdays play with. 

Drove back to mine and Kevin chilled at mine for awhile. I went back to playing DragonNest and Holycrap ! I was level 45 !! I never knew I played that much LOLOLOL. And the highest level back then was only 50 :L I was so a good player :) 

My cousins, Thu and Tai was staying over at their Grandparents place since their parents went on a holiday. I took them out to Garden City and since it was Thu's Birthday yesterday I bought her a Pandora bead and also got Tai a early Birthday Present. He wanted a book :) He likes reading unlike me LOL

First all, we went around shopping and I managed to myself a kid size pair of purple Vans :) Yaaay ! It was size 4 LOL We had Moochi for dessert and I bought Tai lollies :)