Sunday, August 11, 2013

Papa Don't Cry

Work today was okayish, Long and the two little kids came out and chilled with me. I made up some games to kill time and they quite enjoyed it :) Afterwork, I went out with the Mafians group. Hannah and Mande came and picked me up. We then picked up Tony and Ronnie. Since Hannah didn't wanna drive, I drove for her. We got to Sunnybank and didn't know what to eat.

Met Thang and Tam there and said hiiii to them. We ended up eating at Buffet Garden LOL... balls breaking :/ It was seafood night and they had oyster :) It was baked oyster though but still better than having none. Saw Anna's Family there haha. Hannah and I ate heaps of oyster to make up for our money. I ended up telling the waiters that it was Ronnie's Birthday today so they got him a mini cake with a sparkler on it :L

After finishing our food, there was some left over food and so we played the number game to see who has to eat some of the left overs. It was so funny ! Tony lose the most hahaha. After filling our tummies with heaps of food, we were so full but it was time to watch le movie.  PAIN AND GAIN ! Before watching, we met Linh there and also Mr Le :L He talked to us for awhile and it was kinda awkward LOL. 

The movie was funny but it wasn't what you would expected from the trailer. It was based on a true story and they showed you photo of the real life people in it :S Can't believe that happened in life. After the movie, We met Hong and Randy and talked to them for awhile before heading home. 

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