Thursday, August 8, 2013


Today was my day off so I try to enjoy myself as much as I can. In the morning, I pretty much rest and relaxed. Just watching anime and movies pretty much. At 3, I went over to Kevin's and Jack and Leon was there. We decided to give our car a wash since it's really dirty. Took all three cars into Kevin's Backyard then started our wash. We washed all three cars together :) It was fun just chilling and working :) 

After washing it, we parked our cars next to each other to take a photoshot of it. While moving the car, Dante came home and was like... what's happening LOLOL It was funny ! Took the shot then we all rushed home to take a shower before heading to Sunnybank to meet up with most of 2dn. 

I picked up Vinh and had a chat with him :) It was good catching up with him ! We got to Sunnybank and waited for everyone. While waiting, we had a few problems and people was coming late and the movie had already started so we cancled the movie and went to eat. Half of the group went to Mos Burger while the other half ate Hungry Jacks. I ate at Mos burgers and had two burgers :) I was really hungry :L

We met back up with everyone then Funhouse it since there was nothing else to do. We just chilled then went home I guess since there was nothing else to do. Haven't hanged with 2dn for awhile and it was fun :)

Photos of the photoshot

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