Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Go It Alone

24/08/2013 - Saturday

Went to watch Kickass with Hannah, Mande, Ronnie, Randy and Anthony at Indropilly after work. I liked the movie, it was funny at times and the action was quite good :) 

Afterward, I went to go get Pizza at Richlands then headed to Anthony place to eat with the rest. We ate and talked for like hours. Played abit of Yugioh and then thirteen. The loser had to eat a slice of lemon. I love lemon so it was normal for me but for others, it was pain for them :L

25/08/2013 - Sunday

After youth, most of the Thieu Nhi people headed over to Ai-van's to celebarte her 21st Birthday. I helped out with the cooking the bbq while the rest just chilled. We ate then half of us went to play Tekken while the other half played board games. Afterward, we pretty much chill there until the actual party at night start. 

Td, Hoa and I went to the gym for awhile before we headed back there. Ate, chilled, had some catch up's with some of my cousins. Some of us then played Hide n Seek. For one of the game, I used a ladder and climbed onto of the roof LOL. Chilled up there for awhile until it was boring so I went down and hid somewhere else. We played around her whole house and it's massive ! 

Thank god I was wearing a black jumper so I just hid in a corner and so many people walked past me LOL. I was pretty much at the party for like 12 hours :L HAPPY 21st Birthday Ai-vaaaan ! 

26/08/2013 - Monday
Leon picked me up for tafe. Before tafe, we headed to subway at Inala to get our-self some munchies. We ate only half of our foot long and saved the other half for tafe. Tafe was alright, we stayed for the whole day :)

27/08/2013 - Tuesday

Nothing much happened today, just an ordinarily day at tafe.

28/08/2013 - Wednesday

Haha my teacher is so funny, he got so angry that he said to us that "we think he was a dickhead and think that he is stupid" nek minnut, he breaks something and he then called himself a dickhead :L :L But other than that, tafe was alright today :) There is so much assessment that I gotta do in two weeks time :( Time is slowly killing meee !

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