Saturday, August 3, 2013



02/07/2013 - Friday

Work was okayish. Nothing much happened there besides the fact that 
After work, I went to the gym for abit but I found out I couldn't do much since my right arm is injured :`( After gym, I went to pick up Mande then we headed over to Ant's place for games night but when we got there, no one was home yet. When Ronnie and Anthony came, Anthony checked my arm and gave me an arm massage. Hannah and Randy came then games night started ! 

We played abit of "Once Upon a Time" and it was kinda funnyish but then I had to leave early since Vincent and Vy were at my house waiting for me. Got there and we headed to South Bank to meet up with Pumba, Hoa and Chuong. Got there and the line for Max Brener was massive so we went else where. Vincent and Vy went to eat at Satay Hut while Pumba, Hoa, Chuong and I went to G&G for taco's. 

Met up with the other two and I ate with them. We talked and chilled around for awhile. Went and got icecream at 7/11 then headed home. Chuong drove Pumba, Hoa and myself back to Pumba's place since Hoa's car was there. Hoa couldn't drive his car after 11 since he has a curfew so I drove him home in his car. It was quite easy driving his car :) 

03/07/2013 - Saturday

Work was better than yesterday. Long came out and we just did the same thing. Plant vs Zombies :) I did some PT studying at work and managed to finish lesson 4 of Heath and Science :) Yaaay ! Time to do the exam now. After work, I had dinner with my family then Toan and Hieu came to pick me up. We hit the cas and met up with Elita up there :) It was so fun catching up and talking with her :)

 I only played $5 there and managed to win $30 :) Since we had to be there for an hour for free parking. I just talked to Elita and caught up with her :) It was nice to know what she is doing now. 

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