Thursday, November 28, 2013

War and love

Tifa <3
Last night, I spent most of my sleep time watching soccer with my daddy until we both ko'ed at some random time :L Today I spent my day at home doing chores and watching Kingdom. It's so good ! I am hooked into this anime. At night, I went shopping with Td, Pumba, Phap and Tham. We bought $200 worth of toys for funfest. A full trolley of toys :L I love those discount stores :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Cloud <3
Woke up to daddy telling me to help him mow the lawn. oh man, it was so hot outside and I was burning but nothing can stop me from getting the job done ! I've pretty much spent my day at home and resting today. Also went shopping for mummy at Inala for a bit. This lady saw me drive my car and when I parked it, she came to me and compliment me on it and asked me about all these questions. She really really like my car :L 

My touch team didn't have a game tonight but this other team needed some subs since they are missing a few members so I was like, I should help them. The team we vs'ed was so fast and we ended up losing... but it was a fun game overall :) 

I've nothing planned for tomorrow except for some late night shopping to get some toys for Funfest. I need to make my day more productivee ! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Awesome Beach !

So on the first day of holidays, I spent my day well :) 

I woke up really early to go to my Physio appointment today. I gotta go again next week :( Hurry up and heal ! Afterward, I picked up Randy and we drove all the way to Wellington Point to meet up with the other guys for our Adventure Time & Beach Trip. 

When we got there, the beach wasn't really a beach LOL. It was like a place where we can go hunting for shells. We stopped at a close bakery there to grab some snacks before we decided to drive all the way up to the coast... LOL From Sunshine to Gold Coast :L 

Oh man, driving on the highway with four cars was so funny LOL We were all speeding up to like 140 km/hr LOL Also merging into so many lanes just to over  take randoms car. It was all Tony's fault :L
It was hard to decide where to eat with like 16 people so we split up and half of us went to Vapiano's while the other half went to Hog's Breath. I felt like Hog's Breath lunch special :L It was so worth it for $9.90 :)

After lunch, it was finally time for the beeeeaaaach ! YEEEAH ! The beach where I can get 100 girls on the beach... on the beach.... It was quite fun and oh god, the current was so strong. I have never been in a current that is this strong before :L Wave wasn't as big since we couldn't get anywhere far with that strong current blocking us. It was like a barrier. 

Today was a fun day :) We should totes do it again but next time, I wouldn't want to drive :L Felt so sleeply on the way home since I only had two hours sleep last night... woopsie

Spent my night reading Magi and caught up to the latest ! It was soo goood ! Can't wait for the next chapter to come out ! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Leaving Roads


23/11/2013 - Saturday

Drove my cousin to Rocks Riverside park for his friend birthday then went to pick up Hieu and we went shopping at DFO. Most of the time, it was window shopping but we managed to grab a few clothing. Afterward, I went back to Hieu to play a few quick games of pool before I had to pick my cousin up. 

Later on during the night, I went over to Teddy's for his birthday party. It was a really really chill party. I left early with a couple of guys since the storm was coming ! At like 10 pm, Phap ask me to come out and talk to him about some problems. We went to Maccas at Oxley and talked to like 1:30am.... woopsie ! I told my mum I would be out for like 15-30 mins LOL.

24/11/2013 - Sunday

Today at youth, I tested my kids with an exam. But before the exam, I was nice enough to give revision to them :) I am such a nice teacher :L After tn, I had a meeting with BQT which only consist of Andy, Phap and Myself cause Pumba and Mymy are away. It was a meeting to chose some big decision that would change Brisbane Thieu Nhi. 

Afterward, Vincent and I went out to Inala to eat before we went back to mine to smash a Personal Trainer exam. We completely smashed it :) Later on, we went out to touch and it was fun ! I played TRL and damn, that rain :L It hurts LOL. Also Double Rainbow and I managed to touch the tip of the rainbow but there was no pot of gold there :(

After church, I went out to eat at Nando's with Nam and Kien. Bumped into Chi Lan Anh's family there. While we were eating, Vi and Vivian came to join us. Chilled and listened to the kids conversation. 

25/11/2013 - Monday

Went to tafe early and found out I didn't have anything to do since I finished my assignments already. Did an exam and smashed it then I had to stay back at tafe for like four hours to hand in my assignments. Should of went home in that four hours but I was thinking about petrol money LOL. I pretty much slept and watched anime in those four hours. 

I have completely finished everything for Tafe today ! Yaaaay ! holidays ! COME AT ME ! The first to go on holidays in my course :) 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Elastic Heart

21/11/2013 - Thursday

Spent my day at home trying to do productive things such as cleaning my room and getting my assignments done. During the night, I went to tafe to do some extra work there. Afterward, I went over to Tony's for a movie night with the group. We watched Insidious and since I have seen it, it was quite boring but still fun watching it with the group ! After the movie, we chilled for abit before we headed to Oxley Maccas to eat. Bumped into Toan and Chuong there. 

They wanted to race me so I did and ended up beating Toan. Afterward, I was driving to Danchi House in Sunnybank and those two followed me all the way there from Inala just to egg my car.... Fcken losers ! I hate them so much ! 

22/11/2013 - Friday

Work was okay today. After work, I went to church then went to gym with most of the people from the group yesterday. It has been so long since we gathered at the gym as a group. It was somewhat fun ! Chilled afterward and just talked about Tuesday event.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Inner Visions

Managed to get up to date with Feng Shen Ji. Why is it so good? Did four exams at Tafe today and I managed to finish the last assignments from last year ! Felt so good :) Just another two assignments and one exam to go until I finish ! I can't wait ! 

The touch game today was quite good ! We did really good as a team but sadly, we loss by one point but that's still good ! We are improving slowly :) 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


So apparently I got unenrolled at tafe today so I gave my enrollment confirmation form to my teacher to check out. He went to the office and they said that I asked to drop out.... I didn't ask to drop out anything. The teacher got mad and said to the office, that's it was bullshit that they unenroll me.... :( 

After dinner, I got a call to go over to Tony's for dinner LOL. Dinner there was meant to be at 7:30 but we had to wait until 9 LOL Randy takes so long to cook :L We played Spin the bottle afterward and it was fun ! So many truths were told :L Also chilled too ! Fun night ! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fend Shen Ji

17/11/2013 - Sunday

Woke up feeling abit worst from my sickness but I still manage to go about during the day. Thieu Nhi today was the same same. We had a choir practice after. It was hard since it was our first practice but we will get better eventually. 

Headed home to chill and rest before I headed to Maccas with Thang and Anthony. We met up with Tam there and chilled before we headed to touch. It was raining but nothing was stopping us. I decided not to play but brought my boots along just in case. Turns out I played TRL with my thongs :L I was lazy to get my boots from my car :L It was fun though ! Watched the other games afterward before we rushed home to mine to take a shower and head to church.

It was an important church where the bishop came and our Thieu Nhi kids got their first communion. I got all the kids to line up before we headed into mass with the bishop and priests. After mass, we had dinner there and I chilled for awhile. I was meant to go coffee with the Thieu Nhi group but I ended up picking Teresa up and heading over to Tony's for games night/drink up. It was fun ! Alot of people came !! I left early with Teresa and Anthony since we have work and tafe the next day.

18/11/2013 - Monday

Tafe was okay-ish today. All we did was our assignments. I also managed to get $100 back from tafe since They charged me extra for my course. That storm omg ! Tonight, I was introduced to a new manga by Linh. It's so amazing ! OMG ! I spent my whole night reading it ! It's called Fend Shen Ji ! I highly recommond you guys to read it when you're bored on your holidays ! SOOOO GUD !

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Great Big World

Spent my day at work which was alright I suppose. Afterward, I went to pour petrol with mummy then headed home to fix Anthony's Laptop. Chilled for abit with him before I headed over to pick Hannah up. We drove to Oxley to pick up John but we didn't know where his house was. Drove around his house a couple of times until I had to call him and tell him I was loss LOL.

We met up with Tien's car at shells before we headed off to Midam at Sunnybank. When we got there, our booking was wrong or something and they wouldn't let us get our table since we were 30 mins late cause they wrote Kevin's name down as Seven.... wtf LOL. So our surprise Teresa Birthday Party didn't go as planned :L We ended up eating at Goong and headed over to Super8 for Kara and Pool. It was an alright night :)

Now, I gotta write up revisions for the kids tomorrow :/

Friday, November 15, 2013

All Bad

I manged to get up this morning and head to work. It was really cold out there since I was sick but alot of customers was telling me about how hot it was :L After work, I went to church and it turns out, I had to be the photographer at the Reconciliation. First time being a legit photographer.... zzz I didn't know which angle would be the best :( Chilled there afterward then home I went. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Beneath Your Beautiful

I woke up super early today to go to the Physio in the morning. I was there for an hour, he mostly sat me on the machines LOL. First time there and I feel like being a Physio now :L Afterward, I did all of my treasurer job for Thieu Nhi. Oh god, all that counting took me like three hours.... T_T Why did the kids have to give me coins!?!?!? Gimme notes dammit~

Afterward, I went over to dad's friend to fix his computer. Also went grocery shopping for mum today :) oh and I am glad I moved my car into my garage before the hail :) Afterward, I tried to sleep cause I was sick but we had so many phone calls zzz. Ended up going to tafe to finish of some assignments until my sickness was killing me so I ended up going home. 

Came home to Cha Truc visiting my family. I like his personality :) These priest are cool ! I am so dead tired right now ! I need my sleep and I hate you stupid bum flu~!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Spent most of my time at Tafe doing assignments. Also, we found out we had an exam today....zzz. These tafe teachers never tells us when we have exams. After tafe, I stayed back abit to do more assignment until my tummy told me to go hunt for some food. So I went to Sunnybank and met up with Johnnie got Chicken curry and Coco Jungle before I headed back to tafe to do more work.

I left kinda early compared to other nights to go play touch. Vincent joined out team this week and Thang and Vi came to watch us play. Sadly, we loss again but it was still fun ! Got fully soaked since it was raining :L Fells good to play in the rain ! 

Came home and watched the latest up of running man either though I should had been studying :L Got a busy and productive day planned tomorrow. Hopefully I follow this plan 100% tomorrow :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ringa Linga

Spent most of my day today doing assignments at Tafe and did two exams which was quite big but I reckon I smashed through it :) Stayed back after with Leon to get some stuff done. It's looking pretty good atm :) Getting most of our work done ! 16 subjects in 5 weeks? Peace of cake ! oh and I also paid for Tafe... dat $3,300 broke my balls :( There goes all of my money I've been saving up for this whole year :( 

Monday, November 11, 2013


OMG ~! Soooreh ! I've been busy, dead, procrastinating, tired and what else? All the others bad things you can think of. Tafe is evil ! E.V.I.L I SAAAY !
Warning- Might be a long post or I might even summarize it :) P.S. I got kinda slack at the beginning since I forgot what I did :( 

01/11/2013 - Friday

After work, I went to church then went to eat with Anthony and Nam until we headed back to church for the charismatic program. Someone had to go to hospital :`( 

02/11/2013 - Saturday

Church at night again but it wasn't really church so I gather a few of the boys and headed over to St Marks for church. Afterward, we as in Thieu Nhi took our priest out for dessert. We all met up at mine before we set off. Drove all the way up to Milton for some Italian hot chocalate ;) This priest is such a cool priest ! I love him ! His stories are good too ! 

03/11/2013 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was alright.Touch was fun ! Had training with my team then subbed for Vincent team afterward. We went back to mine to chill before church. I forgot what I did afer chruch :( 

04/11/2013 - Monday

Tafe is starting to kill me :( Spent my whole day at tafe from 8am to 8pm. :( Came home and Andy was there with Lan Anh. After their study sesh with my dad I talked with Lan Anh for hours and Andy talked to the rest of my family :L It was good chatting with her :L She's such a nice and friendly person to talk to :) We talked about pretty much random stuff hahaha. So funny too !

05/11/2013 - Tuesday

Another day at tafe putting my 100% in everything. Awais drove me to Sunnybank hills to get kebabs since we were so hungry. He is such a reckless driver and he's so corupted. He told me about his life on this way and wow !!

06/11/2013 - Wednesday

Spent my day at tafe doing assignments. Met Johnnie there so we went to Sunnybank to eat Mos Burger and chill. Went to play my touch game and it was intense :L Also played for another team afterward since they needed players. Non-stop playing is so tiring :L

07/11/2013 - Thursday

Spent my day watching anime at home and doing chores. At 3, I went over to the church to be tutored about Vietnamese by a priest. Afterward, I headed up to tafe to study and do some more assignments.

08/11/2013 - Friday

During work, I got a call to go get a job interview :) After work, I meant to stay home and do my assignments after church but I drove Nam to his girlfriend house since she left her phone with him. Came there and thought we were going to just drop the phone but we were invited in :L hahaha third wheeling is crappy LOL.

 Afterward, we decided to go eat but we didn't know where to go so we headed to forest lake and was planning to ask vi, what's there to eat at forest lake. She didn't know and so we chilled for abit then something happened and we didn't leave till late. We went to Bluefin for steak but their kitchen was closed so we ate at maccas zzzz sighh. !

09/11/2013 - Saturday

Work was... what can I say, The same old thing I guess. After work, I was planning to stay home but Hannah asked if I wanted to go to Cold rock with her. I was so tempted to get ice cream so why not :L Drove over to Hannah's and waited for Tony P to come. We ate at indro then headed back to play games with Hannah and her siblings and cousins. It was quite fun ! I didn't come first though, her brother is just too good for me :(

10/11/2013 - Sunday

Youth today was alright, I pretty much did revision for them since their exams are next week which means, I have to write an exam up :( then mark them... Nuuuuu ! After youth, I washed my car and went to eat Poppes with Td and Pumba. I was so happy when my car was so clean... nek minnut, it storms.... FML LOL Could had got a free car wash.

Came home and helped out with my family since we had a party tonight. Thang picked Anothny and I up to go play touch. The game was fun since we played TRL today :) It even rained hard and we kept on playing :L Nothing is stopping us !! We came back to mine and took a shower before we head to church.

After church, I went back to mine seeing so many people :L The party was alright, it was pretty chill. Caught up with a few of my cousins. We had a bishop and a few priest today at the party.

11/11/2013 - Monday

Remembrance day~!
Spent my majority of the day doing assignments at tafe. I left early to go to a job interview. The interview was so doggy lol. Hopefully I get the job ! They said they will call me back on friday.... Another week of waiting I guess. Oh and you guys will find out where the interview was taken place when I get or not get the job :L

Came home and took a quick nap until my parents got home. Did some more assignment work during the night and took mummy to go grocery shopping.