Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Awesome Beach !

So on the first day of holidays, I spent my day well :) 

I woke up really early to go to my Physio appointment today. I gotta go again next week :( Hurry up and heal ! Afterward, I picked up Randy and we drove all the way to Wellington Point to meet up with the other guys for our Adventure Time & Beach Trip. 

When we got there, the beach wasn't really a beach LOL. It was like a place where we can go hunting for shells. We stopped at a close bakery there to grab some snacks before we decided to drive all the way up to the coast... LOL From Sunshine to Gold Coast :L 

Oh man, driving on the highway with four cars was so funny LOL We were all speeding up to like 140 km/hr LOL Also merging into so many lanes just to over  take randoms car. It was all Tony's fault :L
It was hard to decide where to eat with like 16 people so we split up and half of us went to Vapiano's while the other half went to Hog's Breath. I felt like Hog's Breath lunch special :L It was so worth it for $9.90 :)

After lunch, it was finally time for the beeeeaaaach ! YEEEAH ! The beach where I can get 100 girls on the beach... on the beach.... It was quite fun and oh god, the current was so strong. I have never been in a current that is this strong before :L Wave wasn't as big since we couldn't get anywhere far with that strong current blocking us. It was like a barrier. 

Today was a fun day :) We should totes do it again but next time, I wouldn't want to drive :L Felt so sleeply on the way home since I only had two hours sleep last night... woopsie

Spent my night reading Magi and caught up to the latest ! It was soo goood ! Can't wait for the next chapter to come out ! 

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