Monday, November 18, 2013

Fend Shen Ji

17/11/2013 - Sunday

Woke up feeling abit worst from my sickness but I still manage to go about during the day. Thieu Nhi today was the same same. We had a choir practice after. It was hard since it was our first practice but we will get better eventually. 

Headed home to chill and rest before I headed to Maccas with Thang and Anthony. We met up with Tam there and chilled before we headed to touch. It was raining but nothing was stopping us. I decided not to play but brought my boots along just in case. Turns out I played TRL with my thongs :L I was lazy to get my boots from my car :L It was fun though ! Watched the other games afterward before we rushed home to mine to take a shower and head to church.

It was an important church where the bishop came and our Thieu Nhi kids got their first communion. I got all the kids to line up before we headed into mass with the bishop and priests. After mass, we had dinner there and I chilled for awhile. I was meant to go coffee with the Thieu Nhi group but I ended up picking Teresa up and heading over to Tony's for games night/drink up. It was fun ! Alot of people came !! I left early with Teresa and Anthony since we have work and tafe the next day.

18/11/2013 - Monday

Tafe was okay-ish today. All we did was our assignments. I also managed to get $100 back from tafe since They charged me extra for my course. That storm omg ! Tonight, I was introduced to a new manga by Linh. It's so amazing ! OMG ! I spent my whole night reading it ! It's called Fend Shen Ji ! I highly recommond you guys to read it when you're bored on your holidays ! SOOOO GUD !

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