Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Great Big World

Spent my day at work which was alright I suppose. Afterward, I went to pour petrol with mummy then headed home to fix Anthony's Laptop. Chilled for abit with him before I headed over to pick Hannah up. We drove to Oxley to pick up John but we didn't know where his house was. Drove around his house a couple of times until I had to call him and tell him I was loss LOL.

We met up with Tien's car at shells before we headed off to Midam at Sunnybank. When we got there, our booking was wrong or something and they wouldn't let us get our table since we were 30 mins late cause they wrote Kevin's name down as Seven.... wtf LOL. So our surprise Teresa Birthday Party didn't go as planned :L We ended up eating at Goong and headed over to Super8 for Kara and Pool. It was an alright night :)

Now, I gotta write up revisions for the kids tomorrow :/

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