Monday, November 25, 2013

Leaving Roads


23/11/2013 - Saturday

Drove my cousin to Rocks Riverside park for his friend birthday then went to pick up Hieu and we went shopping at DFO. Most of the time, it was window shopping but we managed to grab a few clothing. Afterward, I went back to Hieu to play a few quick games of pool before I had to pick my cousin up. 

Later on during the night, I went over to Teddy's for his birthday party. It was a really really chill party. I left early with a couple of guys since the storm was coming ! At like 10 pm, Phap ask me to come out and talk to him about some problems. We went to Maccas at Oxley and talked to like 1:30am.... woopsie ! I told my mum I would be out for like 15-30 mins LOL.

24/11/2013 - Sunday

Today at youth, I tested my kids with an exam. But before the exam, I was nice enough to give revision to them :) I am such a nice teacher :L After tn, I had a meeting with BQT which only consist of Andy, Phap and Myself cause Pumba and Mymy are away. It was a meeting to chose some big decision that would change Brisbane Thieu Nhi. 

Afterward, Vincent and I went out to Inala to eat before we went back to mine to smash a Personal Trainer exam. We completely smashed it :) Later on, we went out to touch and it was fun ! I played TRL and damn, that rain :L It hurts LOL. Also Double Rainbow and I managed to touch the tip of the rainbow but there was no pot of gold there :(

After church, I went out to eat at Nando's with Nam and Kien. Bumped into Chi Lan Anh's family there. While we were eating, Vi and Vivian came to join us. Chilled and listened to the kids conversation. 

25/11/2013 - Monday

Went to tafe early and found out I didn't have anything to do since I finished my assignments already. Did an exam and smashed it then I had to stay back at tafe for like four hours to hand in my assignments. Should of went home in that four hours but I was thinking about petrol money LOL. I pretty much slept and watched anime in those four hours. 

I have completely finished everything for Tafe today ! Yaaaay ! holidays ! COME AT ME ! The first to go on holidays in my course :) 

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